
Baby Spiders Research Papers

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I HATE SPIDERS! I refuse to go near them, and I refuse to deal with them. When I was younger and would find spiders in my room, I would get my mother or father to handle them. However, when I got older, it became too childish to call my parents. Although, I still did not want anything to do with them. I felt as if I lived in Africa, where spiders lined the walls. Once I calmed down from seeing the arachnid before me, I would grab some sheets and a pillow, and head to my little brother’s room, where I would stay the night. This continued for well into the later part of my childhood. What I hate about spiders is not that I can not distinguish between a harmless spider and a lethal spider, nor is it that I have heard stories of people waking, completely covered in baby spiders. It is not even the spider itself. It is when I look at a spider on the wall or the floor or anywhere else, and a few minutes later, when I look back, it is not there. When this happens, I can not sleep at night. Now here is where it becomes interesting. Recently, I went on a vacation to Zambia, Africa. The whole trip was amazing, but I want to focus on one night in particular . . . the night in which I stayed in a hotel in Lundazi, one of the more developed towns amidst all of the villages. When I entered my room, there were no mosquito nets, which …show more content…

Nonetheless, I still did it. What really got me over my fear is by accepting it . . . and by accepting it, I mean learning that on average, eight spiders crawl into your mouth per year, and that there is nothing that I can do about it. Even after learning this, I became tired and disinterested of the whole spider fiasco, especially, once I learned that the "eight spiders crawl into your mouth per year" statistic was just a rumor created in 1993 to prove to the public that people will believe anything, simply, because they come across them on the

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