
Baca Chapter Summaries

Decent Essays

Baca reveals a lot of background during the first chapter of the story. He describes all the dysfunctional things about his family, thus getting audiences that can relate to his past. He targets people that have similar backgrounds, so it’s easier for them to relate to the story. Baca, revealing in details of his background, also creates curiosity to those that can’t relate to his past. They read the story wondering what he did to survive the chaos, which was his family. The author’s purpose for the first two chapters is to connect with people, and help them understand where he comes from. This causes wonder in the minds of the readers, which helps the readers to stay interested in the book through the first two chapters. The author states in the story, “He …show more content…

His dad, and mom had done bad things that hurt Baca in the process. For example, his dad was always coming home drunk, which led to Baca’s mother leaving, and abandoning them. Baca had no power over the situation, and had to sit back and watch as it happened. His parents never put the thought of how they would affect their children, and Baca learned that the hard way. In the chapter one, it states, “Mother brought us to her and kissed us briskly on the cheeks and said she’d be back”. Baca’s mother wasn’t coming back, and Baca knew it. Baca’s mother cared more for herself, and Richard then she did her own children. The next idea the author brings to us is the idea of isolation, and how Baca was very alone. Baca had felt abandoned, and with his grandpa’s passing it added on to his isolation. Isolation is very dangerous, when you have no help, such as Baca. The author points out, “I must have run away from the orphanage a dozen times…” At thirteen, Baca had been in a detention center already, and ran away from the orphanage a dozen times. He’s having a hard time being settle, and he creates chaos to keep himself

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