
Background Information On Middle School And The Appropriate Interventions

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Background Information: George is a 13 year 1 month old (13;1) English speaking male. George is currently attending 6th grade at Abrego Elementary School, where he as attended since kindergarten. George will begin middle school in the Fall, and was assessed using the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- Fourth Edition (CELF-4) in order to obtain a profile that addresses his communicative strengths and weaknesses. This profile will help to begin planning his transition into middle school and the appropriate interventions that will be required. Utilizing school records and interviews with George’s maternal grandparents and teachers, the following information was obtained: George currently lives with and is taken care of by his maternal grandparents. His father is in the military and is deployed overseas; his mother is deceased. George’s mother drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes while pregnant and did not receive prenatal care. George’s birth weight is unknown, but was reported to be a small baby, per his grandparents. Additionally, the grandparents reported that as an infant he had difficulty eating and sleeping, food allergies (not specified), and that he had many colds and middle ear infections (otitis media). George’s third grade teacher first expressed a concern with his academics, and referred him for testing. Consequently, George was diagnosed with having a learning disability (LD) and began receiving special education services for reading, writing, and math.

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