
Banana Movie Analysis

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Movie Review
Moana, a young girl, is set on an adventure to save her island and her people, even if it is against her father, the chief’s, wishes. This adventure began with a story passed on by her elders, and Moana feels like she is the one being called to go on the adventure. Moana is sent out into the ocean, a dream she has always wanted to fulfill since being a waddling tot, to find a god named Maui, who stole the heart of the mother island Te Feti. This, as told by the ancient story, was causing nature including plants and fish to die on surrounding islands and was quickly affecting the island, which Moana’s tribe has settled on. Throughout the movie, we see Moana facing many challenges as she conquers her mission. These …show more content…

What is healthy aging? By definition, healthy aging is the “development and maintenance of optimal mental, social and physical well-being and function in older adults. This is most likely to be achieved when communities are safe, promote health and well-being, and use health services and community programs to prevent or minimize disease.” There are five critical areas that are important to consider and incorporate into daily living when trying to accomplish healthy aging. These five critical areas include tobacco control, physical activity, social connectedness, and healthy eating and falls prevention.
Moana’s grandmother displays many aspects of these five critical areas, which are important to healthy aging, a biological aspect of wellbeing and optimal living. Mainly, we see Moana’s grandmother living an active life, by dancing and constantly moving her body even when she uses a cane to help herself walk. As well, she is very socially connected with her community, and her family including her son the chief, his wife, and daughter Moana are very supportive and loving towards her, which is very important for healthy aging. With the resources the tribe has access to on the island, it is safe to presume she is eating a rather healthy diet and not smoking tobacco which are also part of the five critical areas, therefore important for healthy aging. Therefore, Moana’s grandmother is a good example of someone who

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