
Bandura 's Social Cognitive Theory

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3.3.1. SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) proposes that people are driven not by inner forces, but by external factors. In its model, there is an interaction between behavior, personal and environmental factors. As a student who is studying at Indiana University, the environmental factor is the encouragement of how I choose the behavior I would like to change. That initially came from observing students walking around campus performing such a behavior, physical activity, influenced me with a good opportunity for defining my bad behavioral. In that sense, I found students are rewarded for their behavior like looking positive, confident, fit, and healthy and they enjoy walking solely or with their friends. According to the Social Cognitive Theory, the observer may choose to replicate behavior modeled if people are rewarded or punished for their behavior. Thus, I found my self engaged more when duplicating what students do, like walking around campus, and most importantly are the reward and the good feeling I got about myself. From that, I realized the importance of thinking on how I can encourage myself to adapt this behavior in my daily routine. As a result, I chose the Stepz counter application, which would help me adapt this behavior and get the rewarding and a good feeling I need at the same time. As the theory presents, observation should include: Attention, Retention, Production and Motivational Process. My observation during

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