
Banker To The Poor Summary

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In Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunus discusses the power of micro-lending in the struggle to end world poverty. He created a bank called Grameen, which is dedicated to lifting families from poverty and providing them with the means necessary to become contributing members of society. Grameen Bank began as a simple project to help poor members of a small village in Bangladesh. Eventually though, it expanded to across more than one-hundred countries in five continents. It has helped millions of the world's’ poorest people overcome their struggle with poverty. Micro-loans are essentially the same as traditional loans, just on a much smaller scale. Families living in extreme poverty usually don’t have good enough credit to obtain a traditional …show more content…

He realizes that many of them borrow miniscule amounts of money, and earn even smaller profits. To resolve this issue, he first distributes about $27 to about 40 villagers. Then, he gets a loan for $300 and acts as a guarantor (someone who guarantees a loan will be repaid) so the villagers can borrow that money.
Chapter 5: A pilot Project is Born In this chapter, Yunus discusses, in detail, the Grameen Bank and how it operates. Females have very little power or independence. Many people in Bangladesh thought only men should handle money. Therefore, Grameen had difficulty loaning to women. He also talks about the complications of a daily repayment system. For over twenty years, borrowers have paid back their loans in weekly installments.
Chapter 6: Expanding Beyond Jobra into Tangail
In this chapter, Muhammad explains how the Grameen Bank started. At first, it was just an experiment that Professor Yunus conducted with his students. Eventually, though, Yunus temporarily left the University of Chittagong to oversee the Grameen Bank Project, which succeeded, despite all of the hardships it

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