
Dolls vs. Actionfigures

Better Essays

Barbie Vs. Action Figures
How gender roles and stereotypes affect children

Table of Contents:

1. Hypothesis pg. 3 2. Abstract pg. 3-6 3. Conclusion pg. 7 4. Acknowledgements pg. 8 5. Reference List pg. 9

Like most people I have nieces and nephews. Whenever I take my niece to McDonalds she always orders the Happy Meal. Without asking whether we wanted a girl or boy toy, they automatically gave her the Polly Pocket Doll, instead of the Smurf toy that she actually was hoping for. Being a girl, the cashier assumed that she would prefer the doll over the Smurf toy. This sort of incident happens more often than you would think. It really made me, wonder how gender roles and stereotypes affect …show more content…

Despite many of our beliefs, parents also influence their children on what is and what is not appropriate for their gender. Children learn a lot of day to day duties and behaviors from what they pick up from their parents. Normally parents tend to treat their children of different genders differently from the time they are born. They always expect different behaviors and reactions. For example, if a little girl falls and cries, she is immediately consoled and nurtured. At the same time if this same incident were to happen to a little boy he would be told to “suck it up crybaby” or “crying is for girls”. Instead of enforcing societies expectations on the child parents should help them aspire to become the unique person they are destined to be. Even the color that a child wears contributes to what are seen as “girl” or “boy” colors. Most boys are dressed in blue, red, black, dark green, and brown. In contrast girls traditionally wear pink, yellow, light green, and purple. If you little boys’ favorite color just so happens to be yellow there is a possibility that you would you judge him and tell him it’s a girl color. Many would not embrace his individuality. You should not see your son as less of a man because of a color. Many parents do each and every day. In relation to environment, girls tend to pick up on what they see the female figure in the house doing. Barbie Dolls tend to heavily reinforce roles

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