
Batman Hero

Decent Essays

For decades, I have been obsessed with Batman. There I said it! In the ’60’s I watched everyday, at the same Bat time on the same Bat channel the Caped Crusader [Adam West] give The Joker and other villains their due justice.

Since 2000 we've had 25 superhero movies from Marvel and DC. There are 19 more Marvel and DC movies confirmed and 3 unconfirmed movies due between 2017 to 2020. DC Comics has six televisions show on that have been airing since 2012 with nine currently in development. Since 2013, Marvel Comics has two shows on ABC, six on Netflix, with three waiting to be picked up by Netflix. They also currently have seven shows in development.

Superheroes have lived through comic books since The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck …show more content…

Well, we all have a deep desire to break free of our limits and live a bold and meaningful life. Heroes have the ability to rise above their fears and limitations to achieve something inconceivable, something exceptional, something bold! Count me. That’s what I want on my tombstone. “She was exceptional, animated, fearless and bold until the day she died.”

Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Iron Man … and all the other beloved heroes embody the best we see in ourselves. They inspire us. They each have a human side that struggles with the same day-to-day obstacles and events we struggle with. From work to love. We watch those events unfold and we see them cope, fail and win as a human.

Then [drum roll] out of the blue, or as scripted by the writer, an emergency strikes, and they step up. Even stepping up as a superhuman we watch as they attempt to tackle the problem. Many times, if not always, failing on their first attempt. What makes them a Superhero, more then even their superpowers, is their ability to believe in themselves, and continue to fight the fight. Face their fear, and overcome their battles.

This is something any one of us can learn to do. And must learn to do to if we plan on achieving our goals and

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