
Batman High Angles

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In the film The Dark Knight Rises, Batman states that he 'is whatever Gotham needs him to be.' He can either be a hero or an outlaw to the people of his city. Batman is a tortured soul and is very aware that it is not right to uphold the law by breaking it. He is not convinced that his violence is justified by locking up the villains.

Real world people are more like Batman in the sense that the right thing to do is obvious but sometimes not. One often judges situations for the best result and sometimes the answer collides with their morals. Nobody is completely good or bad. The most unassuming people can go through with appalling acts if placed in the wrong situation, or react with selflessness and kindness. Batman can be seen as morally ambiguous. …show more content…

Low angles are used to show Batman's power and intimidation, as seen in the Joker's interrogation where he looks up at Batman from the floor. A bird's eye view is provided when Batman flies over Gotham, providing one with the visual that Batman himself sees. Establishing shots give the audience a view of Gotham, which shows Batman as small and inferior compared to the city. High angles are used when Batman stands on rooftops, showing the audience that he is vulnerable to the evils of Gotham. Medium shots are used to show his body language and facial expressions.

Low key lighting keeps the theme of hidden justice as well as the doom and darkness of Gotham. Batman is also shown in low light when he takes the blame for Harvey Dent, showing his demise. He is shown in the shadows, adding to the air of fear and mystery. Dark lighting creates tension for the audience. Three point lighting is used in scenes with Bruce Wayne to highlight his heroism but still give him a mysterious …show more content…

The darkness sets the mood of the film. Batman's iconic suit was created by Lucius Fox, which contains armor for protection. His cowl acts as a protective helmet and he has retractive blades on his gauntlets. The bat emblem on his chest is considerably smaller than those used in previous films and there is a concealed cape which sits near his shoulder blades, helping him glide through the city effortlessly. His cowl allows him to spy on his surroundings with infrared vision, ultraviolet vision and night vision, and one ear of his cowl contains a device which allows him to use echolocation to triangulate objects or people via cell phones. He carries gadgets such as the Batarang and grapple gun in his utility belt. Special effects such as the explosions, the Batmobile colliding with the rubbish truck and Batman jumping off a building and gliding through the city give the film a more realistic

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