
Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The article Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Written by Amy Chua makes a valid argument that there is a difference between “Chinese parents” and “Western parents”. She gives quite a few examples to prove this point throughout this article. It makes a strong argument that there is a difference and also Chinese parents aren’t that strict, but it has flaws with the argument of saying Chinese parents aren't really that strict. It’s agreeable that there is a difference in parenting, but not so agreeable that Chinese parents aren't strict or that it’s not too much. This article starts out with a list of activities that the writer of this articles daughters were never allowed to do. Then she talks about how she uses the terms “Western parents” and “Chinese mother” loosely because their are some english, Indian, Irish and more …show more content…

It the states that in a case study between, “50 Western American mothers and 48 Chinese immigrant mothers, almost 70% of the Western mothers said...stressing academic success isn’t good for children…..parents need to foster the idea that learning is fun. By contrast 0% of the Chinese mothers felt the say way”. Next it says that “Chinese parents understand that nothing is fun until your good at it”. That’s why they say it’s crucial they make sure the kids work instead of just giving up like some Western parents will do. It then skips to a personal experience she had with her dad calling her garbage and how she turned around and did the same thing to her daughter. It talks about how they can call their daughters fat and to lose weight while Westerners have to tiptoe around the subject. Next come the three main things that she thinks are different, which are one-how anything

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