
Bearing's Character Analysis

Decent Essays

In addition to facing death, Susie treats Bearing as a human, providing her with empathy and compassion. Throughout Bearing’s treatment, Susie offers food, checks on Bearing, and patiently listens to her finally begin to reconcile her salvation anxiety (33-34, 64-66). Even when Bearing is unconscious, Susie talks to her as if she is alert (75). After Bearing’s heart stops beating, Susie continues to fight for Bearing by physically trying to pull Posner off and stop the code he called (82-84). Finally, Edson writes “Susie lifts the blanket. Vivian steps out of the bed,” which suggests that Susie, through her compassion and empathy, literally assists Bearing from death to salvation and peace (85). Bearing’s journey to alleviating her salvation

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