
The Role Of Love In Fairy Tales

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Young girls are often stuck in a world of make believe, they are fed fairytales, dream up unimaginable views of reality and believe everyone will find their prince charming. This unrealistic perspective is formed through their experiences with different fairytales. As G.K. Chesterton tells the fairytale are a realistic world for children, “Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten”. Fairytales lead these girls to believe that in order to find true love there is some sort of intense journey one must go on. This idea of a journey for love has created a specific ideology for what love is and how to achieve it. In the text Beauty and the Beast by Madame Le Prince …show more content…

The consanguinity is finally seen in the theme of the fairytales is the consistent ideology of how girls must change almost everything in order to find true love. One must finally ask themselves if finding true love is worth giving up yourself, family and your identity in order to have a chance at true love. Sacrifice is to give up something for the sake of other considerations. Through Beauty’s, Ariel, and Cinderella’s self-sacrifice the girls begin their journey to find true love. These sacrifices allows for the girls to begin their self-growing process. Beauty believes she is sacrificing her life; Ariel sacrifices her beautiful voice, while Cinderella sacrifices her current bad living situations. Beauty is one of the most gracious characters; she innocently asks her father for a rose and in turn it places a death sentence upon him. Beauty accepts she “did the mischief” and that she should “suffer” for it as well as accepting that “she will go back with her father to keep his promise” (Madame Le Prince De Beaumont). Beauty owns up to the fact that innocently she has put her father’s life at risk and it is her responsibility to set it right. Beauty sacrifices her own life to ensure her father’s safety. One can see this as being a self-growing process to show that no matter what one must own up to the problems they have caused. Beauty’s self-sacrifice starts the journey because the sacrifice of life is one

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