
Child Psychologist: A Personal Statement

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From a very young age I have felt a desire to help children who are suffering. I remember watching a video or commercial, while in the first grade, of children starving overseas and trying to figure out how I could help them. As I grew older, I became more and more aware of the troubles faced by kids and teens in their own home.There were all sorts of abuse from physical, sexual and verbal.It was about this time that I made up in my mind that I would be a Child Psychologist with a main focus on abused children.
I was accepted to Adams State University after graduating high school with my goal in sight.
That was in the year of 1997.In December of 1998, I had a son.My whole focused shifted to this child who was born three months premature and …show more content…

However, that’s another topic for another paper. In time, I found myself managing life with a husband and two children. My husband was in the Navy, which meant there were several moves and new schools for the kids, as well as new jobs for me.During all the transitions of life I’d forgotten my dream.
In 2014, my husband was retired from the Navy, and we returned to Colorado. We joined a very small church and I noticed the church did not have a children’s ministry. I brought the concern to God during my prayer time saying, “Lord, they have all these children and no children’s ministry. They need a children’s church.” God brought it right back to my attention and gently responded, “They need a children’s church.” Next thing I knew; I was heading the Children’s Ministry. It has been a wonderful time exploring the word of God with the children and seeing their little eyes light up with every revelation, until the unthinkable happened. In March of 2016 there was a terrible car accident resulting in the death of a 17-year-old. That 17-year-old happened to be the brother of one my brightest students. She was absolutely devastated. She looked at me and said “Miss Tonya, I’ve never had a …show more content…

The moment when I remembered my dream of helping children who are suffering. The moment when I came back to myself and what I was here to do. I hugged that little girl and said every encouraging word I could think of, knowing it was inadequate.

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