
Becoming A Medical Doctor At The University Of Maryland School Of Medicine

Decent Essays

At the place where I grew up in Ethiopia, a college degree is a very precious thing that only those who are academically strong and lucky could acquire. Being a first college student to pursue a bachelor’s degree in my family and growing up in one of the undeveloped country, there have been many challenges that I had to overcome from elementary school to attending the University of Maryland College Park. That said, just like the true identity of a gold is determined by putting it in a glowing fire, I believe, the true passion of one’s self can only be revealed after overcoming many obstacles. Therefore, I believe the challenges that I had to go through have made me who I now am and aspired me to study medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Since I was a boy, I was fascinated about becoming a medical doctor. But my mother’s sufferings, beyond anything, motivated me to study medicine. For more than ten years, my mother has suffered from a particular disease that swells her legs and hands and gives her high fever. Because the doctors in my country were incapable of treating the disease, my mother hopefully traveled to all corners of Ethiopia to seek help from traditional healers. Since her legs and hands would swell until she could not even move them, the healers would pierce her skin around her knees and wrists just to let go off some blood to reduce the swelling. She has suffered a lot more than I could possibly explain with my words for there was no

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