
Becoming A Nurse At The Age Of 17

Decent Essays

Some people “inherit” a career. Some go to school and later decide on one. As for me, I always knew that I wanted to become a nurse. It brings me great joy seeing others smile, and being able to help them. Since I was younger, I was always the “go to” person when it came to helping. Whether it be household chores, homework or projects, coaching tee-ball, or mentoring at the girls and boys club. My “calling” so to speak, appeared when I had the opportunity to join the Air Force at the age of 17. I was put on the delayed entry program for a year after taking the ASVAB test. After being on active duty for 2 years, I got deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan. This was my second tour, and it was then that I got my first taste of an actual Emergency operating room. I was able to scrub in on a few surgeries, and instantly fell in love with the thought of becoming a nurse in the ER. Careers today have evolved tremendously. Personality plays a vital role in the supplier/ consumer relationship. With my helpful background, I feel as though nursing is the right career path for me.
First, let’s explore the difference between careers today, and those of the past. In the past, if you had a “Peon” job such as a cook at a restaurant, or a stagnant job (factory worker), some considered that to be a career opposed to what the standard career choice is considered as in today’s time. I personally consider it just a job, or means of barely providing. When I look at career choices, I look to see if

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