
Becoming The Boss And A Survival Guide For Leaders

Good Essays

Kathleen Wykoff
March 1 2015
HSMP 3200-995
Leadership Review Paper When I read the two articles “Becoming the Boss” and “A Survival Guide for Leaders”, I noticed various differences between the two. While both articles consist of tips and advice for leaders, they go about that in two diverse ways. From the one article read, leadership is made out to be an abundance of responsibility, while the other article starts by describing leadership as dangerous and risky. Although responsibility and danger come with both good and bad in this case, I felt very differently about the separate articles. However, in both readings there were things I liked and disliked, and many things I would remember for future reference. In Linda Hill’s article “Becoming the Boss” She begins by writing about the common misconceptions of management. She does this to help future leaders skip the first few days of despair that so many new bosses experience. Hill goes about being a successful boss with the method of changing the myths and misconceptions into realities of the job. A few ideas that are suggested in this article are to make connections outside of your business that can benefit your workers, show good character, influence and treat your employees with respect (listen to them), understand that control doesn’t mean commitment, and let others help you. The last two I listed seemed to be very stressed in her article. When Hill writes that “control doesn’t equal commitment”, she is referring to

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