
Bedside Reporting In Nursing

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Internal method will be the interdisciplinary team such as hospitalist, therapists, dietician, pharmacist, case managers, discharge planners and house supervisors. These stakeholders performed a thorough discussions about patient’s admission, transfer, and discharges. Upon discussing with the patient’s overall health concerns, the evidence-based practices of bedside reporting can be part of the daily discussions because this is where the basis of patient’s health outcomes can be obtained. The goal of bedside reporting is to promote safety and highest quality of care. Therefore, the input and opinions of the whole team is very essential for the successful implementation of the bedside reporting. The bedside reporting will be more stronger tools …show more content…

Most the patients being seen at Bakersfield Heart Hospital has cardiovascular problems. We have groups of great physicians and by far one of the best physicians in Kern County. There are many instances of successful stories in prevention of stroke and the door-to-balloon minutes, and thus saves many lives. Our organization has same belief as the American Nurse Association code of ethics. “The Code of Ethics for Nurses was developed as guide for carrying out nursing responsibilities in a manner consistent with quality in nursing care and the ethical obligations of the profession (ANA, n.d). Therefore, American Nurses Association and American Heart Association are the external method of dissemination of the propose evidence-based practices of bedside reporting. Bakersfield Heart Hospital’s mission is the same as the American Heart Association. These are as follows: the patient involvement in their hospital care, collection of the hospital’s stroke-treatment performance data, hospital team performance data and use of data to assess and continually improve quality of care for stroke patients. Therefore, these organizations should be notified and report any progress or changes of the bedside reporting. These organization may have some helpful tips or recommendations to better implementation of the bedside reporting. The communication strategies are to provide updates on the progress of the bedside reporting, power points that will include the data analysis of bedside reporting, and when possible, the organization can join the ANA team so that the success and articles of bedside reporting can be published or posted to the official website of the American Nurses Association and for others to utilize. Lastly, webinar meeting can be obtained so that these organizations are continuously being involved in the success of the bedside

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