
Being An English Teacher

Decent Essays

Being an English teacher has always been my dream, and I have been growing up with it since I was a child. That dream has had a great impact on my decision-making and building my personality. It helped me trace my future by improving myself to meet the needs of a suitable English teacher who does not only have the knowledge of the language, but also has good manners, in addition to the potential to be an idol for his students, and also for people in his community. The love of the English language is the basis of the will to be an English teacher because for me, to succeed in something you need to love it first. English is a fascinating language and it is the most widely spoken language globally. It is used mostly every field from aviation, teaching, science and so on. it has a deep history with many wonderful poets and linguists who made this language great such us, William Shakespeare and Noam Chomsky. Overall, a teacher is a peace promoter and an ignorance fighter and for me that is a great duty to have a part of it. I have had some teaching experiences as a private English teacher and an evening course teacher at a school that I enjoyed taking because I felt that my students made great progress while teaching them the English language. One of my students two years ago, was preparing for his final exams in order to graduate from high school, while English was one of many subjects included in his final exams, but unfortunately his English was really bad. I thought it was

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