
Belbin Team Roles

Decent Essays

Teams are a key component of modern work practice. This has highlighted the importance of theories relating to the operation and effectiveness of team work (Buchanan, 2004). Much work has been devoted to seeking a formula for success. (Pritchard, 1999). One of the best known and widely used methods is Meredith Belbin’s work on team roles which is based on research commenced in the 1970’s and was published in 1981. Belbin put forward that management teams require a mix of individual characteristics working together to be most effective. His roles numbered 8, this was revised to 9 later with the addition of the specialist role.(Belbin,1981) The growing commercial success of Belbin’s original book and increasing adoption of the work in …show more content…

Belbin responded to this criticism directly and stated “the BTRSPI as a self standing psychometric test does not exist” (Belbin, 1993b) He argues that Team Roles relate to observable behaviours not personality types, as such they are not fixed .Further preferences could change over time given other circumstances and situations. He also indicated that Furnham had utilised an outdated version of the inventory and that the developed model “interplace” was

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