
Beloved Literary Analysis

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Beloved Literary Analysis Readers expect to have all the mysteries solved and all questions answered by the end of their novel, however, sometimes, “literature is the question minus the answer.” Novels sometimes give the audience questions that are left unanswered by the author and are up to interpretation. The novel Beloved by Toni Morrison depicts the lives of characters after an escape from slavery. The protagonist, Sethe, kills her young daughter after a threat of being captured and returned to slavery. “Beloved” is the word written on the gravestone of the baby. Years later, a girl shows up on the steps of 124 with the name Beloved. She does not know exactly where she came from, but she describes a place that is a cross between …show more content…

Beloved is visible to Sethe, Denver, Paul D, and many other people in the town. However, at certain times, some people cannot see her. For example, at the end of the novel, when Sethe and Beloved are standing on the porch of 124, some ladies only see Sethe in front of them. What Beloved lacks being in the present, she makes up for it with her knowledge of the past. “The questions Beloved asked: ‘Where your diamonds?’ ‘Your woman she never fix up your hair?’ And most perplexing: Tell me your earrings. How did she know?” (75). Beloved knows things about the past that no one has told her. Beloved knows that Sethe used to have earrings while her own daughter, Denver, did not. Beloved also remembers the diamond that Sethe would swing above her as an infant. Sethe finally realized that Beloved was her dead daughter after Beloved was humming the song Sethe sang to her when she was a baby. Humans cannot remember things about their infant years in such vivid detail which makes the audience question the reality of …show more content…

One day, Sethe is at the clearing and imagines Baby Suggs hands rubbing her shoulders like she did when she was alive. Sethe is all alone in the clearing when suddenly she is being choked by the hands that she thought were Baby Suggs. The fingers around her neck loosen as Denver and Beloved appear in the clearing. Denver is screaming while Beloved points to bruises on Sethe’s neck. Soon after this incident, Denver and Beloved get into an argument. “’You did it, I saw you,’ said Denver. ‘What?’ ‘I saw your face. You made her choke.’ ‘I didn’t do it.’ ‘You told me you loved her.’ ‘I fixed it didn’t I?’” (119). Denver accuses Beloved of choking Sethe even though neither of the girls were close enough to actually touch her. Before the accusation, the incident was more of a mystery to the audience. The quote gives the blame to Beloved and makes the audience wonder how it was possible for Beloved to physically harm Sethe without being near her. Beloved’s behavior is always strange making supernatural abilities in the realm of possibility seeing as there is no other explanation

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