
Ben Moy's The Attraction Of Men And Women

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The Attraction of Men and Women All animals—including humans—have the ability to be sexually attractive. This is called sex appeal, the potential to interest or excite others by appearance, style, or charm. Sexual attraction is used for finding a potential mate. In the book, The Real Science of Sex Appeal, the team from claims that since puberty we have tried to present ourselves as attractive as possible to find the perfect mate. Humans attempt to make themselves more appealing by using the rudimentary skills of staying in shape, dressing well, and smelling decent. But being sexually attractive has a great deal more to it than just those few things. Studies have shown that sex appeal is biologically programmed into humans’ brains. Some senses play an immense role in sex appeal. The olfaction sense—the …show more content…

Cara Di Yanni a psychology professor from Rider University believes that attraction can be based off more than just genetics. In Ben Moy’s article, The science of sex-appeal; The ideal man and woman, Di Yanni agreed that, “We are biologically predisposed to find certain aspects of humans to be attractive, and others are most definitely learned.” She gives examples of how men find that women with long hair, large breasts, a healthy weight, and an hour-glass shape. These all indicate fertility and the capability to give birth. Women tend to be enticed by men with money, and this can explain why women seem picky. When it comes to women dating they calculate everything about men including their money. Unlike men, having sex can be pricier for women because they may end up pregnant and must carry a child for nine months, and care for it years after birth. Women wanting men with money dates back to caveman times. Back then women would typically want to marry a man with high rank or the best hunter. They wanted someone who could best provide for the family and bring home

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