
Benefits And Benefits Of A Company 's Success Or Reputation

Decent Essays

As someone who is gainfully employed and currently benefits from the compensation and benefit packages offered by my employer, I feel it is necessary for me to evaluate how critical it is for an organization to provide their employees with benefits and compensations. To learn more about benefits and compensations, including ways it factors into a company’s success or reputation; I will evaluate and compare two organizations, examine commonalties and differences in both organizations benefit packages, and provide my selection based on my research. Summarize how benefits and compensation may contribute to the overall success of any company or organization. Fallon and McConnell (2014) indicated “compensation and benefits are important …show more content…

The company introduced a brand-new concept of renting out your house for people looking for short term accommodation. The concept was a success. Today, the company operates in over 34,000 cities in 191 countries around the world. According to Fortune, Airbnb is valued at over $30 billion. In fact, Airbnb was one of the Fortune magazine 's Breakthrough Brands for the year 2017. The Methodist Healthcare System is one of the most trusted names in the healthcare industry. Based out of Dallas Texas, it is one of the biggest health care systems not only in the state of Texas. The company operates in the Ft worth, community and have care for more than 150,000 patients each year, the motto of the Methodist Healthcare System includes integrity, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence. Even more, the organization was awarded a Best Place to Work by the Dallas Business Journal 13 years straight ( Identify at least two commonalities between the companies you chose. These might include shared benefits or perks the companies offer, common company policies or tenets, or a consistent theme in the companies ' mission statements or goals. Discuss why you think these commonalities exist. Although both the companies operate in different markets and provide different services, they have some commonalities. Employee satisfaction tops the list. Both companies have

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