Introduction Due to a strong commitment to customer service and the outdoors, L.L. Bean is recognized as a quality manufacturer and retailer of quality outdoor apparel. Likewise, the company’s focus on the stakeholders begins with caring for employees who in turn serve the customer which ultimately results in profits. L.L. Bean serves customers through multiple channels, but originally began, and continues to excel, in catalog sales. However, due to a changing operational environment, the organization needed to invigorate their business model. Using the total rewards program, the company was able to disperse new strategic goals throughout the organization leading to much needed change and revitalization.
Strengths and Weaknesses In
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In order to facilitate the expansion, the organization had to ensure the employees were provided both traditional and non-traditional benefits, allowing L.L. Bean to meet competitive demands and achieve organizational goals. Providing this compensation and benefits allowed the company to demonstrate care for the employees, which translated into customer service even though the channels expanded. In regards to the outsourcing concerns, the company strictly enforced fair benefits in their outsourced facility, even ending several contracts due to inadequate employee compensation. Additionally, L.L. Bean ensured the outsourced locations rewards programs fit the cultural needs as well.
Traditional and Non-traditional Rewards As mentioned, a key L.L. Bean response to their strengths and weaknesses was to provide a mixture of traditional and non-traditional rewards to the employees. In conjunction with base compensation, the organization provided performance-based bonuses, profit sharing, and healthcare benefits as forms of traditional rewards. These traditional awards are closely aligned to monetary awards since these benefits are commonly used and expected in today’s business environment. Although the effectiveness of monetary rewards is questionable, at minimum these rewards provide a direct reciprocity to the employee for their
L.L. Bean is a brand with strong roots in Maine, and their products and services embody their love and appreciation of the great outdoors. Employees of the company are likely to be active and enjoy an outdoor lifestyle, which puts L.L. Bean in a great position to use its own products and services to enhance the total compensation for its employees. Bean maintained a philosophy that if the employees were passionate about the company and the outdoors, then the customers would also be. Profit sharing with employees was a foundational belief of Bean, and employees were greatly rewarded when the company performed and exceeded expectations. A few of the products and services that Bean used to enhance total
The L.L. Bean image should be kept and maintained because this image is the core asset and source of success to the company. However, due to changing nature of business, the company should consider other operational methods other than mail-orders. Retail stores sales have been shown as increasing over the years, L.L. Bean could consider expanding its scope of retail stores across the country.
A well-articulated compensation philosophy drives organizational success by aligning pay and other rewards with business strategy. It provides the foundation for plan design and administration and anchors current and future plans to the company's culture and values (Kaplan, 2006, p.32). Recognizing and rewarding achievement is the cornerstone of the company A’s compensation philosophy. The mission of the company is to attract, select, place and promote all individuals based on their qualifications. The company believes that performance-based compensation helps attract, develop and retain talented professionals. In addition to base pay which based upon local market conditions and targeted to be above market, the company provides the following types of potential compensation to reward performance:
This report has been created with the intent to analyze the athletic apparel industry with a specific focus on Lululemon Athletica, Inc., further refered to as Lululemon. In this report you will find that the strengths and weaknesses of Lululemon’s current strategies and future goals are analyzed and compared to that of its closest competitors. In conclusion to the analysis, recommendations have been made to potentially guide Lululemon Athletica, Inc. in a positive direction in regards to its future endeavors. The following
The intent of this assignment is to develop a user-friendly tool that may be applied in the workplace to document Compensation processes and to guide a practitioner in completing the critical steps of each process. The purpose of this assignment is to assist in describing each component of a compensation management system, to develop a practitioner's guide for several of the key compensation management tasks covered in HR511 Total Rewards.
Lululemon is a large company, making clothing for athletic activities, not only are they in the women’s athletic range, but they have hit the men’s market and youth range as well. A SWOT analysis will be used to break down Lululemons strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the business. Strengths which Lululemon have achieved include multi-faceted and community-based approach strategy, making customers feel part of a community through marketing strategies like there “ambassador program, social media, in-store community boards and grassroots initiatives” (Lululemon, 2016 Annual Report, 2016, p. 3). Touchpoints which have been a part of this multi-channel include Lululemons websites and which is based around female youth active ware. With Lululemon having 12,500 full-time employees worldwide (Lululemon Athletica Inc. (LULU), 2017) with 406 stores (Lululemon, 2016), their large market capital of $8.33 billion (Lululemon Athletica Inc. (LULU), 2017), shows the total value of Lululemons shares of stock. Lululemon having $581.1 million in net revenue, this is an increase of 13% while their gross profit increased by 17% rising to $297.4 million. (Lululemon Athletica Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2017 Results, 2017). This shows a steady increase in profit for Lululemon for 2017 which is a strength for them.
The use of traditional reward within the organization rewards that is apparent within Aflac. The use of the traditional reward systems is the compensation, profit sharing, and insurance profited to employees (Reed, 2009, pp. 3-5). The non-traditional rewards in the Aflac organization are the child care facility, employee recognition, outdoor adventure days, fitness
“Compensation represents both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs.” Martocchio, J.J. (2013) A Human Resource Management Approach. Compensation as most know is the hourly or annually paid. Compensation consist more of just hourly or annually pay. Organizations create monetary compensation process to reward their employees for their job performance. Monetary compensation is the core of
Lululemon Athletica’s (LULU) competitive advantage hinges on the company’s use of the four management pillars; efficiency, quality, innovation and responsiveness to clients (Tsang et al, 2013). LULU achieves unrivalled efficiency through outsourcing and technological advances. Even though LULU continues to design their merchandises in Canada, the manufacturing is outsourced from countries such as Bangladesh, China and Indonesia. The company has benefited from technological advancements by allowing customers the comfort of buying merchandises online, through the company’s website, which comprises of free shipping straight from the manufacturing plant, and thus saves on shipping costs, time, as well as retail store resources like signage and employees.
The purpose of this paper is to determine how innovations in employee benefits can improve the overall competitive compensation strategy of the organization. Then, it explains how innovative benefits could be tied to specific jobs. After that, it critiques the effectiveness of equity-based rewards systems versus those with more creative approaches and discusses the key elements of integrating innovation into a traditional total rewards program. And last, it recommends a process that optimizes an employee-based suggestion program to continually refresh the total rewards of the organization.
By achieving to provide these reward programs for its company employees it stay in line with two of its guiding principles which is to supply quality service for their agents and provide an enriching and rewarding workplace for their employees. These rewards are also used to attract better qualified employees and to push employees to have a greater impact on their community. The needs of the company’s employees are a driving factor behind Aflac’s total rewards programs. Aflac’s total rewards statements which was originally a one page document is now an in-depth review of the value of the employment compensation and benefits. These are examples of non-traditional rewards that are used by Aflac. Traditional rewards that Aflac uses is that the company has an “Volunteer of the Month” where one of their employees goes and volunteers for a charity of their choice and they get rewarded by the company they also offer bonus, wages, internal promotion, voluntary benefits and paid leave.
Reward Management (RM) has been defined as the distribution of monetary and non-monetary rewards to employees in an effort to align the interests of the employees, the organisation, and its shareholders (O’Neil, 1998). In addition O’Neil (1998) also suggests that a RM system can serve the purpose of attracting prospective job applicants, retaining valuable employees, motivating employees, ensuring legal requirements relating to direct and indirect rewards are not violated, assisting the company in achieving human resource and business objectives, and ultimately assisting the organisation in obtaining a competitive advantage.
Reward and recognition programs must connect the needs and expectations of the workforce with the company’s overall goals and strategies. A program that reinforces important company values and goals will encourage employees to act in line with such goals and emphasize the importance of achieving these goals. Alternatively, rewards which do not connect with organizational goals may convey a misleading message and encourage employees to act in a manner that does not facilitate the
Although research generally confirms that pay-for-performance plans can influence greater outcomes, it is unclear how effective different pay plans are relative to each other (Park, 2012). Like most things in business, compensation is something that requires evaluation, study, assessment, strategy, modeling and integration. Achieving a pay for performance culture does not happen without paying attention to the behaviors, activities, rewards and motivations that have to be linked and reinforced through a well engineered and successfully executed process. Actually if that process does not tie rewards to shareholder financial objectives, employ the proper mix of compensation elements, result in meaningful dollars, embrace performance that employees can impact and are effectively communicated and reinforced, then the results it produces will likely fall short (Vision Link Advisory Group, 2013).
To motivate employees to work towards reaching organizational goals, managers frequently depend on some form of enticement. Beyond monetary compensation, awards and additional types of acknowledgment can be given, and the ability to choose a work schedule is a possibility. A reasonable pay system, which would be an incentive for individuals and groups to achieve organizational goals, is a hardship manager’s face (Jones & George, 2011). Within the company that I work for, every quarter awards are presented to Customer Service Agents who have maintained a 95 percent or above quality score. Monetary awards are given out as well as time off coupons.