
Benefits Of A Global Economy

Decent Essays

More Languages, More Exposure, More Sales

The benefits of a global economy coupled with an ever-expanding number of translation language pairs have created exciting opportunities for those ready and able to take advantage of them. The caveat, in order to truly reap the rewards of an international business market, you must be able to speak your customer 's language and not just in the figurative sense. Your material actually needs to be written and presented in their local language.

Studies have consistently shown that information presented in a consumer 's native language yields greater sales. Further, more than half of global consumers would pay higher prices for information presented in the local language.

In 2014, CSA Research, an independent market research company specializing in "best practices for translation, localization, interpreting, globalization, and internationalization", studied a group of 10 non-English speaking countries in Asia, South America, and Europe. They found that 75 percent of consumers "prefer to buy products in their native language", 60 percent "rarely or never buy" when information is only in English, and 30 percent simply do not buy when English is the only language presented.

Even in Europe, where most citizens have at least a base-level exposure to English and many speak it as a second language, English is tolerated with tourists, but when it comes to business there is an expectation that information will be presented in the consumer 's

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