
Benefits Of Foreign Language Education

Better Essays

Foreign language education has always been less of a priority than any other subject and has always been a thought towards the end of secondary school education. In schools, there is no exposure to any other languages other than English for most people until high school. If students do take a foreign language in high school, many don’t continue learning in college and therefore never actually become fluent in other languages. Foreign language education has shown to have benefits that would greatly help students develop. Learning a foreign language can develop cognitive abilities and increase cognitive processing as well as develop analytical skills, and these benefits can only be acquired when there is a good grasp of the language. Another problem is how foreign language education is largely focused on European languages such as French or Spanish. More than half the most commonly spoken languages in the world are Asian languages but foreign language education barely covers Asian languages. Learning Asian languages would help make interactions with businesses and governments of Asian countries a lot better in today’s globalized world. Schools are starting to teach more Mandarin but other Asian languages are still not being taught widely. Incorporating Asian languages into the education system can be a great benefit in terms of trade, communication, cultural knowledge, and diversity. There should be more of a focus on foreign language education at a younger age and also more

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