
Benefits Of Hypnosis

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought of using hypnosis for another purpose besides fun? There are many beneficial uses for hypnosis that have an outcome for a person. It seems to make things feel like a dream when unable to accomplish these things awake and conscious. Hypnosis is defined as “. . . a trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject”(Merriam-Webster). Hypnosis can have a meaning for many things, not only for fun at an event where there is hypnotist to make people do enjoyable things and everyone laughs at them. There are serious reasons to putting someone under hypnosis as well. While being in deep hypnosis, eye movement slows down and it seems to be state of sleep that …show more content…

Which is the fact that one can stop what they are doing, but wants to keep doing it even though it may not be what someone wants to do. The person being hypnotized has the inner portion observing what the outside actions are and the outside body doing whatever is being told. The brain chooses to listen and do what it is being told, but understands on the inside what is happening. If someone did not want to do something while under hypnosis, they would know and not do something crazy they would later regret. The subject’s inner conscious would take over and deny the hypnotist directions because they are not in a dream like manner. This connecting to the sociocognitive approach, a person keeps their social role while being under hypnosis. They would stop doing something if they truly did not want to do something and their inner self knows the limits of what is too much to do. Also being under hypnosis, the person can recall people in their real life such as names while following directions and pretending they are someone else that the hypnotist tells someone to be. This theory is an opinion that a hypnotist gives hints to the person being hypnotized what they should do or act like (Wade and Tavris, 2002, pg. 161) . This also states that people can not have strengths that they do not when they are under, they just broaden up an imagination more than some people think is possible. The theory dissociation explains that a person listens to the hypnotist and then becomes what the hypnotist tells them, while the sociocognitive theory explains that someone can get hypnotized and while they are hypnotized they know their limits. These theories have some of the same ideas, but overall, do not believe the same

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