
Benefits Of Mandatory Community Service

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Mandatory Community Service for a Graduation Requirement
To serve or not to serve, that is the question? Should mandatory community service be part of graduation requirements? I have personally talked with a few high school seniors and asked them the question, should community service be mandatory for graduation requirements? The answers I got were yes. One student reported that if it was not for the mandatory community service requirements she would have never volunteered her time in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s patients. Now she knows she wants to go to college and study the Brain. Another said that she has enjoyed working with kids in an afterschool program that she now wants to go to school and become a teacher. Others have said that they feel rewarded and feel a sense of accomplishment. They love the way they feel when they have helped someone else. According to Corporation for National and Community Service, in 2009, President Barack Obama encouraged volunteerism through the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act with a $1.49 billion budget. This act provided gave financial assistance in starting and supporting community service requirements in schools.
In, 1992, Maryland was the first state to require Community service hours as a requirement for graduation according to Sarah Sparks with Education Week (Sparks). The District of Columbia is the only other “state” that currently requires this according to the Education Commission of the States. Other states

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