
Beowulf Descriptive Writing

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mirrors to pass on a curve. From this distance, we saw clearly how congested the traffic was and realized how fortunate we were to be on the boat. We continued our along the coast, passed volcanic, mountainous terrain, lush vineyards, olive groves and lemon orchards typical of the Italian countryside. Charming villages among illustrious villas of distinction, ancient churches and the remains of medieval castles spilled down the hillsides and scattered among them, ruins of magnificent Saracen towers still stood watch for invaders. When we neared Positano and Ristorante il San Pietro where we celebrated our fifteenth wedding anniversary a few years ago, Vince directed our course to a shining white village on a distant shore. “Look,” he …show more content…

“Yes, it’s not like America!” he retorted. Suddenly being aware of where we were, I choked up with emotion, tears filled my eyes and I was wholeheartedly captivated by the breathtaking beauty of Amalfi. Before me, jagged mountains sloping towards the sea made a dramatic backdrop for what appeared to be an imposing monastery built below the ancient remains of a castle. Picturesque, white buildings among pastel cream colored houses piled high on a rocky shore surrounded a predominant church boasting an extraordinary majolica dome. On the cliff above the harbor, the ever present traffic on the Amalfi Coast Road proceeded at a snail’s pace as it entered the resort town through a tunnel dug into a giant granite boulder. Notwithstanding what Vince was doing, I wanted him to stand on deck with me so we could share this overwhelming moment together, realizing that we were in world renown Amalfi. However, Vince and the harbor crew were still making crucial adjustments ensuring that all was safe and secured. Eventually, the men vacated the boat, tipped their hand in a saluting wave as they disembarked. “Ciao. Buona sera.” “Grazie!” Vince retorted and waved

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