
Berlin Serial Acidister

Decent Essays

Titles of Articles. 1st: Sixth victim of Berlin serial acid attacker describes terror.
2nd: Female jogger attacked by man with brick in popular Berlin park.

Where did I locate this articles: I found both of these articles at the same publisher ibtimes which is a well known online news publication source in the UK

What is this story/article about?: Both of these articles are about women who were attacked in Berlin. One of the woman was jogging at 9:35pm when a man approached her with a brick he than tried to take the woman's jacket by knocking her to the ground and began to hit her in the face with a brick and repeatedly kicking her head and shoulder and he finally got her jacket and he ran off with her phone and other possessions. She was taken to a nearby hospital in Gleimstrasse where her x-rays revealed she had fractured hands, and a fractured jaw. The other woman was returning home from the movies just before midnight when she was followed by a man in a baseball cap and a black sweatshirt of medium height, light skin, and middle age on a bicycle and when he passed her she began to run and that’s when the attacker sprayed acid in her face luckily she was wearing a shawl on her face to prevent the acid from affecting her face she is one of six victims to be attacked in Berlin with acid. …show more content…

If they are related what are the police in Berlin going to do in the future to prevent these attackers from hurting innocent people just trying to go

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