
Best Self Analysis

Decent Essays

Edith Wharton once said, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” I find this quote to be unwaveringly true in that when you are at your “best self”, it also empowers others to be the same way. Being a volunteer, a member of the soccer team, and the oldest sibling, I have watched the way that people feed off of each other’s energy whether it be positive or negative. I deemed it my mission to be the light in other’s lives so it could possibly ignite the flame inside of them.

At the hospital, I strive to make it my goal to change the patient’s lives one smile at a time. I attempt to greet them in a jovial mood by answering any questions or requests they may have during their stay. I know …show more content…

In all of these activities, I have acquired many leadership roles. However, my favorite position is being the team captain on my varsity soccer team. I enjoy helping each one of my teammates to thrive as a player as well as a person. I have basically grown up with these girls so it is an honor to be able to be there for them in whatever aspect they may need.

At home, I am the oldest child which means that all of my younger siblings look up to me. I feel like I need to set a good example for them to follow when they reach my age. It is inevitable that sometimes I will make mistakes, but the way you bounce back from your blunders is what makes all the difference. By setting this model for them, I am ensuring that I am becoming a better version of myself. I believe I am at my best self when I am hoping others to find their best self too. When I am spreading smiles and cheer, I think I am right where I need to be in my life. All of these activities have contributed to helping me become a better person; I can only hope that I will continue to grow as an individual. In the future, I plan on continuing the practice of “spreading the light” to others who may have strayed off of the path of

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