Hello, Lawrence, You have really out done yourself again. I feel as though depression has so many different side effects on different situations. A person getting evicted can cause a case of slight depression. However, depression can be cured by extended support as you state in your post. Bi-polar individuals should tell their employers about their condition to keep everyone safe in the workplace. I believe bi-polar individuals should go to work and become successful, (everyone deserves that), but they should work in environments where there is stability for their emotions. I wanted to say a place where the co-workers are always cheery and uplifting, but the person with bi-polar might be set off by the happy environment. Overall, Bi-polar individuals
Joseph Grass has been diagnosed as having Bi Polar disorder, with manic episodes. This causes Joseph to lose control of reality. Joseph blacks out at the wheel in traffic and when he comes around, becomes verbally aggressive and refuses to cooperate with anyone trying to help him.
Receiving the proper help and care is essential to overcoming depression, my mom would know. Her mom and brother both dealt with bipolar disorder. When my mom was in 8th grade, her mom went off her medication and ended up in a mental institution, her dad was working and always visiting his wife in the mental institution. She ended up in the institution over Christmas time, and because of this my mom was responsible for purchasing and wrapping all the presents and ensuring they were under the Christmas tree for her younger and older siblings. Since bipolar disorder is genetic, my uncle also inherited bipolar disorder.
l health story delicately and portray a realistic storyline to viewers. The millions of viewers of this TV soap understood and saw how many of the other characters were callous and verging on aggressive towards Stacey, pushing her feelings of paranoia into a downward spiral; reflecting the real life experiences of people suffering with Bi-polar disorder. The media are shining some light on this devastating condition that up until recently has been shrouded in mystery and stigma which helped to progress the social acceptance of all mental illnesses.
And episodes are noticeably stronger, especially when depressed. For people who have bipolar and are feeling down many symptoms are similar to those that are depressed and every thought is consumed in sadness; they have feelings of worthlessness, excessive guilt, fatigue, inability to concentrate, abnormal weight gain or weight loss, insomnia or abnormally oversleeping and they may even have thoughts of suicide. When flipped to the other side maniac displaced feelings of extreme energy, restlessness and irritability they 're overly confident themselves talking fast and erratic. They have high energy and excess need for activity you need much less sleepy early, 3 hours would be more than enough. They have no self-control and spend money recklessly and they 're easily irritated when things don 't go their way. People with bipolar will display different abnormal mood changes on various intervals, for example they could be depressed for 3 to 4 months and return to their normal selves for a few months and maniac for a couple of months and then back to their normal self again. It 's not necessarily that the occurrence of both moods will take place one after the other it could be depressed normal depressed again normal again and then manic or manic first and then depressed after that. Bipolar disorder can affect anyone of any gender, age or profession, but it is most commonly found in 16 to
Mental illness has plagued human kind for as long as we have been on this earth. The science of psychology has made great strides in past century. The stigma of being mentally ill has begun to fall away and people are finally starting to get the help that they need to recover. Bipolar disorder is one illness that we have come to more fully understand. Through assistance from a psychiatrist, family and medication a patient with bipolar disorder can enter remission and live a normal life.
Don’t get me wrong bipolar disorder is not that black and white, it’s not either mania or depressive. The cycles vary in severity depending on how frequently the person cycles and how extreme the cycles are. Some people living with the disorder are more on the mania side where everything sounds like a good idea, sounds fun; I guess it could be compared to feeling like nothing can go wrong. On the other hand, most people are more on the depressive side. Some people live with both at the same time switching between the two to make mixed episodes. People living with bipolar disorder can only have a few episodes over their entire
I would like to bring attention to increasing cases of bi polar disorder in the youth. Bi polar disorder is increasing day by day in teenagers. It is also present in at least 1 to 2 persons out of every 100 of adults. Many people with Bipolar Disorder never understand the symptoms which results in that they never seek help, end up in jail, cover it up with substance abuse, or never see a clinician long enough who has knowledge and experience about the disorder to recognize it. It is definitely not rare; many cases are in fact being misdiagnosed because of less knowledge about this particular disorder. The people needs to learn about the symptoms, causes and treatments to understand bi polar disorder. Only about 25% of people with any mental
A vast amount of individuals impacted by the bipolar disorder are of working age. Thus the disorder can affect the employer in terms of lost of productivity, financial cost, and work place stigma. Employers have reported that individuals with bipolar disorder had significantly more absences. Individuals with Bipolar Disorder missed an average of 18.9
Fact: Many people with bipolar disorder have successful careers, happy family lives, and satisfying relationships. Living with bipolar disorder is challenging, but with treatment, healthy coping skills, and a solid support system, you can live fully while managing your symptoms.
The depression state of bipolar disorder can be equally troublesome, if not more so, than the manic episodes. When one suffers from depression, sadness and anxiety affect every aspect of their life on a daily basis. Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, sadness, loss of energy, a false feeling of guilt, hopelessness, worthlessness, failure to concentrate, feeling agitated, and mentally/physically sluggish, either the need for more sleep, or suffering from insomnia, drastic changes in
Bipolar disorder is much less common than the other types of depression. To help with diagnosis, doctors look for signs and symptoms of depression and assess their severity, duration, and effects on everyday life. (http://www.prozac.com/DiseaseInformation/TypesOfDepression.jsp) The Way Men Think About Themselves The way that men think about themselves can be quite unhelpful. Compared with women, they tend to be far more concerned with being competitive, powerful and successful. Most men don’t like to admit that they feel fragile or vulnerable, and so are less likely to talk about their feelings with their friends, loved ones or their doctors. This may be the reason that they often don’t ask for help when they become depressed. Men tend to feel that they should rely only on themselves and that it is somehow weak to have to depend on someone else, even for a short time. This traditional view of how men should be always tough and self-reliant. Some men find that owning up to their depression actually results in their partner rejecting them because of this. Even professionals sometimes share this view, and may not diagnose depression in men when they should. Instead of talking about how they feel, men may try to make themselves feel better by using alcohol or drugs. This will usually make things worse in the long run. Their work will suffer and alcohol often leads to
In this video, there were several patients that had been introduced and evaluated. Out of all these patients, Jamie – diagnosed with bi-polar disorder – would most likely have been the most difficult for me to encounter. This particular individual had several conditions such as being a heavy alcohol user, suicidal, manic depression, irregular sleep cycle, HIV positive, and substance abuse. My ultimate objective is to be able to help and treat people, and as much as I would have liked to assist Jamie towards reaching the most appropriate and helpful solution, he was incredibly vulgar, disrespectful, unstable, and noncompliant in terms of commitment to being admitted in the hospital and receiving the proper care and treatment he needed. The attitude and actions he demonstrated would have made me uncomfortable, and I definitely would have had trouble in
Bipolar disorder is a chronic mental illness that requires lifelong management to be maintained. Another term frequently used for bipolar disorder is manic-depression. This stems from the extreme mood changes of highs and lows that are categorized in this disorder, as the person is usually depressed but will go through manic episodes. Although this is a chronic illness a person with BPD will at times seem symptom-free. The symptom-free person will still need to continue with their medication regimen and therapy as prescribed to maintain the disorder and prevent a relapse. Considering the effects of this mental illness the person with BPD will experience problems with maintaining personal relationships and have occupational difficulties. Suicide attempts are common for this disorder, and a great number of people with BPD will attempt suicide, at least, one time during their life. (Halter, 2014).
Having bipolar disorder can make it harder to help the need because their mood can change extremely fast but it is still possible to help them. Bipolar disorder is not as bad as depression