
Slavery During The Early Making Of The United States

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During the early makings of the United States, colonialist heavily relied on slave labor, particularly African slave labor. The introduction of African slave labor in the economy was seen as more efficient than indentured servitude and due to their naturally darker skin tones African slaves were easily marked, which, lead to racial discrepancies about how slaves should be treated and handled. Colonialist often used the Bible to support their opinions of slavery since rules on governing slavery can be found in both the Old and New Testaments of the bible and white slave masters often cited biblical references to justify slavery as an institution. One argument that white colonialist often used to defend the enslavement of African people came from the 15th century, Ibn Khaldun’s curse theory, which states that “Negroes were the children of Ham, the son of Noah, and that they were signaled out to be black as the result of Noah’s curse, which produced Ham’s colour and the slavery, God inflicted on his descendants. The direct result Khaldun’s medieval theory laid the foundation for racist concepts in society for the following centuries, and helped white slave owners justify the use of African slaves. From 1619-1810, Slave traders continued to import African slaves to the United States, but the relationship between slaves and Christianity would remain estranged until the late 18th century. In this essay I will examine the common biblical justification and social control associated

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