
Biblical Worldview Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Melissa Geis Miss Sisson Honors American Lit September 11, 2014 I have many worldviews. Some that I like, and some that I don't. I like most of them but I know that I also need to work on others. The attitude I need to work on is showing more love. I try to be a very nice person and most of the time, it works. But other times I can be really rude. I already am very compassionate I just need to put myself into other's places more. Understanding comes very easy to me and also gratitude. I would really like to work on these because it is important that I reflect God and what is important to him. Like; treating others with respect, loving everyone, patience, kindness, compassion, gratitude, and just overall being a child of God. I need to work on showing love because I often get very angry at others. I am quick to make a feisty comment or remark. This also ties in with patience. Jesus was a very patient man so I need to learn from that. Patience is something you can use every day and many people are appreciative of it. I am not very patient because my dad likes to rush and get things done on a schedule. Maybe we can work together on patience. I get the angry trait from my dad as well. He is very quick tempered. …show more content…

I have had these characteristics for a while now, so to act completely different will be kind of hard. It will also be hard when many people in my family have these traits. I think my faith will play a big part in trying to change these characteristics. God is always there in tough and challenging times and he will play a big part in trying to change. Prayer helps everything and he is always there to talk to. God's support is so meaningful when you think about it. He will help you through literally anything. That is why my faith is so strong because I know he is there for love and support whenever I need

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