
Bigfoot Existence

Good Essays

Harmish Naik
English 9
April 12, 2016
Bigfoot’s Existence Does Bigfoot actually exist on this very planet of Earth? Yet, many people do not know if Bigfoot really exists or not. Bigfoot has been a real big mystery. The mystery has not been solved yet as of right now. Although people believe Bigfoot is not a real living thing, the sightings, research, places of origin and evidence left behind suggests that Bigfoot is a living thing on Earth. The evidence left behind from Bigfoot proves Bigfoot is a living thing on this very planet of Earth. “Bones were found identifying the size of a very big creature.” (Bigfoot Facts). The size of the bone identifies that there is a Bigfoot living in this world. “Footprints in the forests indicate a creature that …show more content…

“It wasn’t until 1958 that the Bigfoot legend really started to kick off in the United States. That year, a man named Gerald Crew found a set of large footprints at a construction site where he worked in California” (Upton). Gerald Crew examined the large footprints and declared the footprints were from a very big species that could have been Bigfoot. “In 1967, the ‘Patterson-Gimli film’ was captured. The film shows a tall, hairy ‘Bigfoot’ walking through the forest” (Upton). This real film of Bigfoot’s existence grabbed the public’s attention about this topic and the person captured real footage of the Bigfoot walking in the forest. “The legend of Bigfoot existed long before the European men arrived in the New World. The Coastal Indians tribes of British Columbia and in particular the Kwakiutls had carved totem poles and face masks which clearly had references to a ‘man-beast’” (Shackley). Even a long time ago, many Indian tribes living in North America have maybe have seen or heard about Bigfoot being alive and living in the woods on North American soil. Also, the man-beast face masks referenced Bigfoot's facial feautre of the

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