
Bigger Stronger Film Summary

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Bigger, Stronger, Faster a documentary on Steroids. Director Chris Bell try to relay that steroids may not be as bad as the media may portray. Bell is able to do this by appealing to credibility, emotions and by logic, by uses these he was able make an effective claim. In the documentary Chis Bell used many credible sources. He was constantly talking to people who had been around and steroid and have taking them. One instants in the documentary where he able to effectively make his claim is when, Bell talk to Dr. Norm Fost, a doctor of medical ethics. Dr. Fost focus his studies on the effect of performing enhancing drugs. Dr. Fost talk about how there is no documentation on the long term effect of steroids. This lends credibility to Bells documentary because Dr. Fost is a medical professional that studies in steroids. …show more content…

Though out the documentary Chris uses emotion appeal. From Don Hootan and his son, or to his mom. One effective emotional appeal was when he showed a clip of the athlete at a press conferences. During the conference the athlete talks about how it not fair for him to have an asterisk by his name because he trying to be the best he can. The athlete talks about how everyone has skeletons in their closets. This was effective for Bell because it made the view feel bad, and maybe start to question if steroids are really bad. Chris Bell also appeals to logic in the video. Chris uses statics about steroid and other drugs that the view may not seem as harmful. One of the statics he uses is comparing in to legal substance, tobacco and alcohol. Chris says in the documentary “According to the CDC tobacco kills about 435,000 Americans every year, alcohol kills about 75,000, as for anabolic steroids 3.” Theses gives Chris good logic to his claim, because it make the viewer think, why a legal suspense kill more an

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