
Bilingual Education For Non English Speaking Students

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Bilingual Education in public schools for non-english speaking students

Imagine coming to the U.S. and not being able to communicate with others just because you can’t speak english. This is a problem that millions of latinos have to suffer through every day as they come to a new country and have to adapt to something their not used to. I have dealt with this problem in my personal life because I help interpret for a girl in my ceramics class and she has told me numerous times that she does not understand the teacher and she receives no help from classmates or the teacher. This is why public schools should offer bilingual education to non-english speaking students. Even though some people believe that public schools should not offer bilingual education and non-english classes to non-spanish speaking students because it’s too expensive we should give students in public schools the opportunity to have spanish classes where they learn in their own language while at the same time they get to learn english (Armario 2013) . It will better the community, make people smarter and more fluent in other languages (Lynch 2014) and it will be necessary for life as more people come from spanish speaking countries and it will better the future of tomorrow. If everyone can speak english they can all communicate better and faster so there will be no need for long waits for interpreters. Many hospitals and schools face this problem (Albert 2014) especially schools. Many

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