
Bilingual Education System Analysis

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My father is a second generation Mexican immigrant. He is a Certified Public Accountant, and highly financially successful. However, at what cost? Growing up, he was taught Spanish and English alongside each other, but he was never to speak Spanish in front of White people because it was rude and exclusivist. Instead of treating his own language as equal to that of the dominant culture, my grandfather felt encouraged to accommodate to the majority. As a child, my father was put in the Athena program, which is similar to the Gifted and Talented program we have now. In this program, my father was one of the few minority students, and certainly among the poorest. It was dominated by rich White students. Could this environment have contributed …show more content…

This loss of culture creates a divide between immigrants and their native countries. Because of this, they feel displaced. They no longer feel like they belong to their native country, but they also don't feel like they belong to their new country. Immigrants often feel like they don't look “American” enough, because that image has been associated with the White person for so long. The specific aspect of this problem that I will discuss is the schooling system. If more cultures were represented in education, then the problem of forced assimilation could potentially be solved at its roots, with our children. As illustrated through my father, I argue that these assimilationist attitudes begin to be established in the schooling system. Specifically, I will focus on solving this problem in Texas, hoping that it could be a laboratory of democracy. This problem is crucial because it negatively affects the mental health of immigrant students. These students show increased tendencies toward depression, as well as lowered self-esteem (Saenz 193). These two effects can be identified as motivators for gang membership, due to a need to “belong” to someone/something (Saenz 192). Since they don't feel like they belong to the “American” label, they seek that sense of belonging elsewhere. In short, the problem is that the schooling system teaches its students primarily from the perspective of the dominant culture, thereby encouraging students to view all other cultures as

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