
Bill Corbett Public Relations Essay

Decent Essays

According to a study by Media Dynamic, the typical adult is inundated with around 360 messages each and every day. These messages are sent through magazines, newspapers, internet, radio and TV. This leads to a crowded marketplace, where businesses have to make a big impression just to be noticed. Bill Corbett, Jr. who is the president of Corbett Public Relations talks about how this crowded market place has grown exponentially: “In the 1980s and 1990s, advertisers needed to be in front of prospects six to eight times to be recognizable. Today, this number is closer to 21 and may be even higher.” So, how do you stand out amongst all this noise? The following are a few ways to ensure you are noticed and stand out in the crowd: Take Action: Founder …show more content…

So, whenever possible, take the lead. Corbett says the following about leaders: “When you are a leader, you command respect and the attention of the people in a room or organization. Successful leaders who empower others are even more memorable.” Being a memorable person doesn’t always mean to try the hardest. It means you make a difference. David Sturt who is the vice present of O.C. Tanner Institute (an employee recognition consulting firm) says this about becoming memorable: “Not only do your job, but create a difference—different than the expected, different than the assumed, and different than the last time. That’s how you become memorable and your works gets recognized and noticed.” Don’t Forget The All Important Follow Up: Too many people forget to follow up after making a connection. This can be in the form of a simple thank you, or can include sharing a tip or a resource. Jason Abrams, who is a Michigan based realtor, specializing in selling homes to professional athletes, says his success is largely a result of his follow up efforts. Abrams flew out to North Carolina and California simply to say thank you the player’s agent and then financial adviser after making his first sale to a Detroit Lions football player. This move so impressed the men that they referred more professionals to him. Now, he runs a successful real estate business catering to professional football players and has even landed a series called “Scoring the Deal” on

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