
Bin Laden Determined To Strike In The Us Research Paper

Decent Essays

By August 11, 2001 “all 19 hijackers are, in fact, already in the U.S. on visas obtained under their actual names.” Having this in mind, it should be already known that the hijackers are doing nothing to conceal their identity while within the United States. That same day, it is known that “President Bush is on vacation in Crawford, Texas, where five days earlier he had been warned by the CIA of a possible attack in a paper titled: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.”” This document states that al-Qaeda members are believed to be residing in the U.S., and that the U.S. embassy in United Arab Emirates received a call articulating that “a group of bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives.” The president then …show more content…

On September 3, 2001, the U.S. receives another warning, “Intelligence officials in Egypt say they warned the U.S. on this day of impending al Qaeda attack. President Hosni Mubarak says the warning involved an airplane or an Embassy.” More details about the attack is given through the Egyptian president and the hijackers still remain undetected despite purchasing flight lessons, gym membership, and knives. After this, “Clarke issues a memo urging officials to imagine hundreds dying because of the government's reluctance to pursue al Qaeda.” Clarke’s notion will eventually be proven to be true later on when not only hundreds, but thousands face death. Later on, a new employee is hired at the World Trade Center right before the attacks; “after resigning from the FBI, al Qaeda expert John O'Neill begins his new job at the World Trade Center.” On September 10, 2001, a day before the attacks initiate, “electronic intercepts pick up conversations between two suspected Al Qaeda leaders. One reads, “The match begins tomorrow”; the other, “Tomorrow is zero day.” The conversations will not be translated and transcribed until September 12th.” What is unusual about this is that they waited until after the attacks to translate the call and it is pretty obvious that if they really wanted to translate it, they could have on the same day. To return

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