
Bipolar Disorder In Everyday Lives

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Bipolar Disorder and the Effects of it in Everyday Lives Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that may bring upon abnormal changes in one’s mood and energy that may harm the ability to go on with everyday functions. The showings of this disorder can be very severe. Anyone of age can get this disorder, but more commonly found in adults. There are many different types of this disorder depending on how severe your symptoms are. Fortunately, this disease can be treated and successful with the treatment. Scientists are studying the possible causes of this disorder, and most agree there is no single cause; rather, many factors likely act together to produce the illness or increase risk (Insel 2009.) Patients with bipolar affective disorder are similar to normal persons in most areas of personality (Klein & Depue, 1985.) Most bipolar patients are normal in every way, and it might be hard to spot this disease if not around the person a lot. This is an internal disease that cannot be spotted by just looking at the …show more content…

The four main types of this disorder is: Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, and Cyclothymic Disorder. Bipolar I Disorder is basically just a short term episode, but can be very severe. Bipolar II Disorder is series of episodes but usually not full-out or severe. Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is when you have the symptoms but not quite severe enough to meet the guidelines to be diagnosed with the first two disorders. Cyclothymic Disorder is a very benign for of this disorder. It can last up to two years, but the symptoms do not meet the criteria for the first two named disorders. There is a more severe form of this disorder called Rapid-cycling Bipolar Disorder. This is when a person has more than four incidents in a year and they are very severe. If left diagnosed, this disorder can continue to grow

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