I seem to be having issues submitting my revised paper onto Black Board? It seems that since I have already submitted my first book review, Blackboard will not permit another submission? I wanted to thank you for the revisions on my book report. Hopefully, with the corrections made, the final product is what we discussed. Also, I wanted to apologize in advance for my early departure from class this evening. My child care provider has an engagement to attend by 5 pm this evening. I really enjoyed your class, and I appreciate your time and ways you have challenge me to think about society and family
As a classmate, I want to say thank you, for the example you and your family
Thank you for your help in my application process for the National Honors Society. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to not only fill out the non-teacher evaluation, but to also come over and ensure that you would cover every important detail in the comment section. Your extra notes for my resumé have also been very helpful in giving it a better structure so that it is no longer a list, but a sort of story about my life’s accomplishments. Thank you again for all of your help and generosity, I am very
I would like to thank you for the great help that you provide me each and every month! The exam period is behind me, and it was very busy.
As my teaching internship ends, I wanted to extend a sincere thank you to you and Chesney Elementary School. It was exciting to be able to apply Chesney kindergarten theories to developing lesson plans. I am grateful for the expertise you added in aiding my development as a teacher. The fall internship has proven to be an invaluable experience for me.
While attending The State of the Black Union I saw how the concepts that we learned in class are still prevalent in our daily lives. A comment that was made during the State of the union address at resonated with me was that College bound is a privilege. Living in the inner cities of Richmond I see this lived out on the daily. Virginia Tech’s efforts to try and reach the unreached population has been shy of their goals. Even with programs like Fall Visitation, Yates program, Gateway program, Access, there are still catered to a particular group of people. Virginia Tech looks at African Americans as a universal title instead of an individualize one. The aforementioned organizations attract those African Americans who are more
I am thankful for this assignment not only because it helped me grow as an individual, but helped me grow closer to my stepmother by learning about her culture and heritage. I think it meant a lot to her that I chose to do this paper on her culture. When we left, she hugged me and she thanked me as we walked to the car. I hugged her and thanked her back for allowing me the
I have shadowed two physicians during my pre-medical years. These experiences have significantly shaped the type of physician I want to be in the future. Not in the sense of a medical specialty, but rather in the sense of demonstrating a clear compassion and understanding for my patients.
For my community government participation, I will be going over a few democratic instances from a LTCC Board of Trustees meeting. These instances come from the meeting of Tuesday, September 26, 2017. To start off, the meeting included two examples of how the opinion of the people are heard at the board meetings. First, Marta Sternal, the International Student Program Coordinator, discussed to the board the update with ISP. More importantly, international students were able to answer questions about their experiences being in Tahoe. Each one had a special story and a testament to the ISP and how it was creating a positive impact in students lives. As Student Trustee, it is always very special for me to see students personally address the board that makes policies about the college. The direct communication is a great example of how the voice of the students are valued and included. This meeting was important for another reason, a reason that affects thousands of students without their citizenship living in America. The board approved standing with the California Community College Chancellor's Office to denounce the decision to end the DACA program. As Student Trustee, my position allows for me to bridge the gap between the students and the board, bringing the student voice into policy decisions for our local college. This was the first time being Trustee where I was able to reach out to students about this important decision, asking them for their opinion about this important decision. Since I am in this position, I have a glimpse of how a Trustee position functions in Congress. Of course, this is a very wide leap, comparing Student Trustee with a Senator, but I
I would like to thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to talk to me as well as my peers. It was very interesting to find out the line of thinking from a person who deals with this topic fairly often. I am very appreciative of you taking
Last night, I was sitting cross legged on my bed holding Chinese take out in my hand while watching the new episode of Orange Is The New Black, which premiered on Friday at 12 am, long past my bedtime. I was behind everyone else in the game, only on the second episode on the third day of its release. The second episode dealt with a lot of issues, aside from Piper being convinced she’s Litchfield’s new “gangsta”, that I related to on a personal level. I’ll try not to reveal too much, if you’re like me and still on the second episode, but the audience finally got an inside look on Maria, one of the girls from “Spanish Harlem’s”, back story. The audience learned that she struggled with her identity as the daughter of a Dominican drug dealer. I, for one, am nowhere near
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sharing your daughter Bailey with us. She is always a pleasure to have in class! I have enjoyed getting to know her a little better during these past three weeks.
I choose to do my discussion on “The Yellow Paper” because of the meaning and core values behind it. Being a feminist it was a story that I could relate to and it drew me in immediately. In the past woman’s opinions and ideas were highly disregarded. The ideally were married, stayed in the home to clean, cook, and taking care of their children. I feel like this piece strongly represented this era and that woman were highly aware of constraints put on them based off of their gender. I loved the idea that it was all about individual growth and that just because you have a partner does not mean you should stop that growth. The messages she portrayed in this short story are profound to not only her era but ours as well.
Alisabeth Mercado, thank you for your kind words, I have a passion for working with these young minds, appreciate when someone sees my approaches of learning as a positive. You had a question would I have each student in my class move their stick each day? The board is designed to show rare opportunities of achievement in a sense, toward developing moral and performance character experiences. So, depending in how many children, if any each day pose these actions, that would show how many actual students will use the board, daily. I think that child4rn, learn from structural activities. Stephanie Davis said, “share what they’ve learned, it gives them a sense of accomplishment and sense of purpose” (Seider, p. 113). Students of all ages learn,
This semester I learned a lot about writing in English 151. It has been a roller coaster ride with these essays for me this semester. I learned step by step how to write a good essay and how to have your readers be engaged in what you’re trying to tell them. Each essay I did has taught me something valuable I can take to the next level of English. I feel as if as the semester went by I did not take my writing that seriously and that reflected in my grades I received in each essay. It made me a better student and writer and it will reflect next semester. In this essay, I will reflect on what I learned throughout this semester that you should apply in your writing when you begin English 151.
My work throughout this semester has been a lot different than my work in my current classes. I was able to do fun projects where the assignment did not actually feel like work. For my first assignment of analyzing the arts I got to research an artist that intrigues me. I was able to find an artist that created pictures that involved, and I chose this artist because I love dogs. Through this project I learned a lot about this artist and also many other artists through the presentations of my classmates. My second assignment involved me experience some type of art style. I was able to attend a concert that I had really been hoping to get to go too and this gave me the perfect excuse to attend. I was able to enjoy this concert, but also think about the music elements that I had learned about in class. I think this was a great way to apply what I had been learning about in class. My third assignment was creating in the arts, and I made a water picture that had two boats that were next to a dock. This assignment let me again apply what I have been learning about and also be in charge of what I created. I think this assignment let me be creative. My fourth assignment was creating an art integration lesson plan with a poster. I think this was beneficial because I got to take everything that I have learned about throughout the course and turn it into one project. I briefly showed my lesson on a poster along with my classmates. My lesson plan is about integrating dance, which is not a form that I had focused on for previous assignments. Overall, I think my knowledge about art education has grown. I think I have grown by being more confident in what I create and what I perform.