
Blink By Malcolm Gladwell Essay

Decent Essays

World renowned journalist and best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell, in his novel, Blink, discusses the step by step analysis of how the first few seconds impacts our decision making skills. Gladwell’s purpose is to explain how the initial reaction we face and how our brain responds to an event is far more intricate than we may think. By utilizing the information presented through his book via psychological tests,real life stories, and interactive puzzles, Malcolm Gladwell emphasizes how one can be able to control his snap judgements to become better decision makers in everyday life.
Gladwell begins his novel with an analysis of our unconscious by giving an anecdote of an ancient art relic. The story explains that a young art museum has stumbled upon an ancient relic and believe the work is genuine. However, what many do not know is the art is a fake. Gladwell shares how art professors and archaeologists around the world arrived in order view the art and all believe the art is a masterpiece. Therefore, the art could never be forged. After much debate the statue seemed to be …show more content…

Throughout the entire novel Malcolm Gladwell incorporates interactives tests and puzzles to test our logic and the main purpose of the book, snap judgements. At the end of each test Gladwell reveals why we acted the way we did and then elaborating on why the process was wrong or right. For instance, Gladwell showcases his own attempts on the tests to provide what his mind was going through at each exact moment. He constantly refers back to his own life experiences to answer each question. On one question he believes he is non prejudiced on the basis “[his] mother was Jamaican.”(84) At the end,Gladwell reveals statistics which show how an individual compares to the rest of the participants. The interactive tests allow the reader to become engaged in the text and put to use his own logic and relate back to the

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