
Blockbuster History

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The legacy encompassing the coexistence of blockbuster and independent films are quite interesting and somewhat complex. History shows that at one point the word “blockbuster” had nothing to do with a movie production and originated back in the 1940s. Blockbuster was describing how large bombs can destroy city blocks in Hamburg during World War 11. The term took on new meaning referring to anything capable of public impact. Another illustration of this would be when a hyped play was expected to be very successful and competing theaters were busted and put out of business. Soon the term blockbuster would become a dominant marketing tool in the world of theater and film production representing anticipated hits or big box-office sales. In other words, blockbusters were used interchangeably to the concept of major studios.

The movie Jaws in 1975 one of Steven Spielberg classics was a direct beneficiary of this cultural phenomenon. The movie grossed well over $100,000.00 in ticket sales and laid the foundation of the “New Hollywood’s blockbuster era.” Movies …show more content…

Just because some films are produced on a low-budget scale does not mean they are excluded as possibly a hit movie. Many independent films were marked by less investment resources and were politically inferior to the studios which affected how films were produced, directed and distributed, and not to mention landmark Supreme Court decisions. It is important to note at one time the major studios (back then known as the Big Five) were once independent studios prior to the obliteration of the MPPC patents that where owned by The Edison Trust which dominated major legal rights to the technology of the industry. The case ended by two Supreme Court decisions which extended certain legal rights to independent

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