The full moon’s light streams through branches and down onto the forest ground. Distance howls travel with a metallic smell, as the wind blows, forcing the tree’s weary limbs to clash. Crimson liquid flows down the trunk of the oak tree; on top lies a brown small house, barely supported by the weakest branch. Inside, Jamie sits in the corner of the treehouse, with her head in between her knees, frantically whispering the “Our Father” like a scratched record player. Chad Wilson lies across from her in a crimson pool growing darker by the minute. Blood fills the cracks between the wood planks. His eyes transform glass balls, and look right into Jaime's direction.
The door opens, Ada walks in looking disgusted by the wine like staining liquid.
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So let’s go.” A streak of blood, the size of a body, lies across the floor where Ada drags the lifeless figure to the door. Her dirty Jimmy Choo heel is digging into the deceased Chad Wilson’s spine as she kicks him out the door of the treehouse. He hits the ground with a dull thump, dead leaves fly. Jamie scurries toward the door looking down at the bloodless man that no longer has a life. Jamie cries as she stumbles back, taken away from what is now her new reality. “Oh no, Ohh no. What happened! God, please forgive me!”
“Can you stop with that,” Ada says, annoyed with the newbie. “I get that you were like chosen and all, but Ace knows how much I hate your type of people.”
Jamie grabs hold of the silver cross that rests against her neck. Her eyes grow wide as she releases a blood-curdling scream fit for a nightmare. She rips off her necklace and throws it across the blood stained floor; suddenly looking at her burning flesh, the skin begins to repair itself.
“What’s going on with me?” Jamie asks, staring at Ada.
“Sweetie, this is the new you.” Ada replies as she is showering Vodka down toward dead Chad. She picks up the lighter and throws it down on the Vodka drenched body. Chad bursts into flames, warming the frigid forest
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At the end of Makers St. stands an old four story mansion. Four romanesque columns dominate the front of the 100 year old house, four individual marble statues holding up a man, that has a human heart in his hands, upright in a fountain of water. The water runs out the main arteries and drips onto the four individuals.
On one side, one marble individual has curly hair similar to Ada, while on the other side, a marble statue could be deemed an identical twin to Jamie. The Lamborghini comes to a fast halt in the circular driveway. Trees began to lay their branches down and die as the sun rises. The pink and purple pastel sky turns to a soft baby blue. Ada grabs her plum purse and rushes through the metal grated door. Jamie follows behind, not wanting to get lost in the vast halls of 25 Maker St.
Through the sky-high french doors, a glass chandelier hangs down from the fourth floor, complementing the Italian marble tiles. Ace stands in the corner of the room waiting for the sunlight to leave the room. His broad figure is outlined in the darkness. His red hair is gelled back, with curls tangled stylishly on the nape of his neck. Ada kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear. They both turn and set their coral eyes on Jamie. They look as if they’re mirrored twins. Ada runs to the staircase, hands gripping the banister as her Jimmy Choos leave behind a muddy trail. “I’m changing, I’ll be back my
In his play Where the Blood Mixes, Kevin Loring casts light on the rippling effects of the trauma caused by residential schools on generations of Indigenous peoples in the twenty first century. Loring's play, which is set in the twenty first century, illuminates the present-day legacy of residential schools and residential school survivors. Loring strives not to minimize the experiences of residential school survivors, but to reconstruct how residential school survivors are viewed and represented. Loring achieves this task through his depiction of characters that are sad but loving and funny people with hobbies, people who are not consumed with and defined by their residential school experiences but continue to feel its painful
In the book ¨Blood Will Tell¨ it is about a girl who is named Marianna Chavez that went missing after knocking at a friends who is Hector, who apparently wasn't home. Marianna is only a 7- year old girl. Addition to this, there was SAR to search for the missing girl Marianna. Which SAR stand for search and rescue. In SAR a teenage boy named Nick Walker has developed through this book by many ways. For example, Nick´s father was a solider who died as a hero in Iraq when nick was only four, but as in result Nick´s mom was dead set against him ever joining so as in result of that he joined SAR. As the time passed Nick would vomit many times due to the incident of Marianna who got into conditional injuries. Including the choices he chose as being
The Strongest Blood tells the story of two cousins in an Indigenous setting, living in the Northwest Territories. Anyone who has read The Strongest Blood knows how it centers in on the teachings of Indigenous peoples and the struggles and conflicts that they face involving their land, spiritual beliefs, and economy. Van Camp’s extensive use of literary techniques directs the spotlight on the two major themes of Indigeneity, and economical conflict while creating an interesting environment for the reader.
There Will Be Blood is a film created in 2007. Paul Thomas Anderson directed and screen wrote the Academy award winning film. The film stars Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano. The film centers a money hungry oil prospector who has been tipped off about a small town with abundant oil that no one is digging up. Daniel Plainview will do anything for money and he shows it.
“It’d be better if I go off to bed now,” said Billy, briskly arising off the couch. He started scaling the stairs. Hazel swirls encompassed the entirety of each step his foot rested upon. The Landlady closely followed, frolicking impatiently with her red, darting fingernails and examining Billy’s entire body.
At first I didn’t even care about the assembly I was sitting through. Everyone else I had talked to had decided against participating, so I decided that I wasn’t going to either. However, as I sat and listened to the woman talk, and saw how sincere she was, I began to listen with a new interest. Then she put a video on featuring stories of the people and families this affected. There was one in particular about a little girl who had gotten in a car accident and would have died had she not received a blood transfusion. Due to a blood drive held earlier that day, the little girl’s life was saved. It was then that I made my decision. I was going to donate blood.
At the beginning of “Blood Simple”, there are several shots from different timing. It goes from morning to midnight, which tells the viewers that the day is ending. While the shot is in the morning, the camera focused on a piece of rubber tire on the road so the audiences could tell that there was an accident or maybe it’s foreshadowing the events that are going to happen.
Mitch was having difficulties trying to figure out where and when Jack would have gotten a blood sample from him. After failing to unlock the contents of the USB drive with his own blood it was obvious the Jack did not have a sample of his blood to use. Looking up Mitch said in a contemplative voice “Who’s blood did he use?” After a short pause the lights came on “It’s Katy’s blood. Now, where the hell is she?”
The blood film and the background information considering their recent travel to Nigeria leads us to believe this infection present in this patient is a form of malaria. The blood film provided for the patient shows some morphological changes to erythrocytes as well as the malarial parasite which is present.
It was a sad moment for Rolo life when he was banned from entering the Elven Kingdom by the Council of the High Elves. It was not because he had done any crime. It's because he was half human. His parents had conducted forbidden love and was executed for it. And as the rules apply only pure Elven Blood is allowed into the kingdom. Now all alone in the outside world Rolo wander the continent of Urn seeking the purpose for his life. But he didn't last long.
If you were to ask people 10 years ago what came to mind when they thought about vampires, you would probably get answers that described frightening creatures that lurk in the night in search of human blood. These perceptions are usually brought on from one of the most famous vampire stories ever written; Dracula. Bram Stoker’s Dracula tells the story of Count Dracula and his bloodthirsty journey from his castle in Transylvania to the shores of London. Where he searches for blood from both men and women, while his enemies seek to destroy him and rid the world of his evil. In more recent years the tables have turned due to the widespread popularity of the Twilight series novels as well as the film adaptions. The Twilight series originally written by Stephanie Meyer, recounts the love story of Isabella Swan a human teenager who risks it all when she falls for Edward Cullen a vampire forever frozen at the age of 17. Due to its popularity, lots of people visualize the main vampire in the series, Edward Cullen, when they think of the undead. With his devilishly handsome features, bad boy allure, and ability to make all the girls of Forks high school swoon, Edward Cullen and his family of “vegetarian vampires” are redefining the modern view of vampires.
Blood caked under my fingernails. Small slivers of skin litter the floor under my desk. My leg bounces in time with the ticking clock, jostling the stock of notecards sitting on my lap. Tick. Tick. Tick. Pick. Pick. Pick.
Darian woke in a puddle of blood. He stayed there in the warmth for what could have been seconds or hours, never once opening his eyes. Darian could sense the crisp, winter air blowing around his body, but he couldn’t feel it. When he finally opened his eyes, the blinding sky, swirled with varying tones of gray, looked blurry, staticky. The young man looked down at his body and found that he was wearing a white t-shirt and pair of shorts, something he knew he would never wear. It didn’t occur to Darian that though he was lying in a puddle of blood, his clothes were left unstained.
Blood stained the pages of our history books. So many innocent Vitaevim lives lost in the pursuit of a place to call home. Lost in space or slaughtered by the Malum, the evil being that haunted our universe. Greedy things that were never satisfied by what they had, always wanting for more. They tore apart planets, ripped them limb by limb, suffocated them with pollution, and drowned them with the blood of my people. The stories say that once, way back to the third planet, there was peace, until one day the ground shook and the great pillars of the pearl city and their shimmery marble rooftops came smashing down, the ground beating it like a husband. A flood surged throughout the city stealing children from their mothers and the innocent play
Crystal carefully tending her brother's injuries. "Stop your whining, you know we got no choice. Now look away, this going to sting a little." She pour rubbing alcohol on her brother's chest and John grunt out painfully. "Ugh, god dam that hurts."