
Blood Diamonds

Decent Essays

I have chosen to focus on and analyze one pattern of the Diamond Trade at a global scale. The pattern illustrates that the Diamond Trade exists on a global scale. I have used examples and specific evidence from different regions and nations across different hemispheres to highlight this Global pattern. 

There are five different processes of the Diamond Industry. Exploration, mining, selling rough diamonds, cutting and polishing and selling on world markets. Each process happens in different location from the previous process. Producing a diamond with these different processes and locations causes one big spacial pattern. 

Exploration is a very early process of the Diamond Trade. Exploration is testing certain areas to determine the …show more content…

The next process is selling the polished and cut diamond. Although Antwerp is less dominant than it used to be because of the upcoming centers like Dubai and Mumbai; it is still the leading diamond centre. The Antwerp diamond sector has an annual turnover of 39 billion U.S. dollars. 30,000 people are directly or indirectly employed by Antwerp. Complementary trade centers to Antwerp include; Israel supplying North America, Dubai supplying the Middle East and New York supplying US. In

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