Getting your blood pressure taken is the first thing that nurses do when giving a check up to their patients. When getting blood pressure checked the nurses put the arm ring, which goes around the arm of the patient, is very uncomfortable and bulky. I have thought of a way that uses newer technology. The supplies I will be using would be the blood pressure monitor and a piece of the heat monitor. The piece of the heart monitor I would be using is the clamp that goes on the patient’s finger. The reason I am going to use this is because it is, seems to be, the more efficient way to make the blood pressure monitor less uncomfortable and bulky as I had stated earlier. Sense I’m not using the clamp for the heart monitor to check the heart I need to enhance the clamper. The way I would enhance the clamper would be to make the sensor a little more sensitive to the blood flow going through the arteries. Instead of the blood pressure monitor going around the patients arm it would clamp on top the finger. In order to get the proper measurement, …show more content…
Like I stated in the paragraph before this one, one would also try to take medicines to try and get the blood pressure back on a stable level. The list of medicines that might work are above. Some foods that can help get high blood pressure back to normal are: peas, baked potatoes, celery, green beans, papaya fruit, oatmeal, guava, yogurt, tomatoes, kiwis, blueberries, spinach, avocados, cantaloupe, prunes, carrots, dandelion, salmon, skim milk, watermelon, raisins, spices, beans, dark chocolate, beets, bananas, nuts, and oranges. The tree worst things that can rise blood pressure are: fast food, alcohol, and
Although medications are very effective, lifestyle and dietary changes can help treat or prevent high blood pressure more effectively.
On January 11, 2005, Malcolm Gladwell a renowned bestselling author, wrote blink: The power of Thinking without Thinking. In this book, Gladwell’s intentions were to provide the reader a different perspective on quick decision making based solely on instinct and how the brain is much more complex whilst making these decisions. This is all shown through the title, blink which is decision making in just the blink of an eye. Throughout the book, the author uses a consistent writing style with a multitude of real life situations over time in order to prove his reasoning on how decisions based on instinct can a lot of times, be far superior than those that are analyzed.
Decreasing blood pressure or managing it to maintain it at a normal range can decrease the risk by double. The ideal recommended blood pressure is 120/80 and under. Decreasing the amount of salt in the diet, avoiding high cholesterol foods and eating more fruits and vegetables can decrease blood pressure (Newlin, 2014).
The purpose of this experiment was to see how different genres of music affect blood pressure (BP). The hypothesis was that songs with higher beats per minute (BPM) would cause an increase in BP. The items that were used in this experiment were an automatic BP monitor, a mp3 player, five different types of music, and a set of headphones. The subject would stand for a minute, have the resting BP measured, then listen to the selected song for two minutes, and again have the BP measured. From all of the genres Meditation the music that lowered BP the most, while Rock raised it significantly.
Currently in the United States of America approximately 3 million U.S citizens are affected by high blood pressure a year. There are two types of high blood pressure, Primary high blood pressure and Secondary high blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and when Blood pressure is measured two numbers Systolic Pressure the pressure when the heart is pumping blood, and Diastolic pressure the pressure between heart beats. There are many treatments for high blood pressure for example changing the individual's diet to eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetable, legumes, low fat dairy products, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and the individual should limit eating foods high in sodium and salt, red meats, Palm
Ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring and ambulatory heart rate recording are regarded as the standard methods for the diagnosis and prediction of cardiovascular disease [1,2]. It has been reported that a non-dipping pattern of heart rate is strongly associated with increased risk of all mortality in epidemiological settings [3,4]. In addition, there are many recent reports on the clinical significance of ambulatory blood pressure. A non-dipping pattern and nocturnal hypertension are associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [5]. On this basis, we raised some questions. Are there any relationship between HR dip and BP dip? The non-dipping situation expressed on what kind of patients? What can they predict?
Eat DASH diet, which is consisted in high in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and rich in potassium, magnesium, protein and fiber. This die t is especially effective in treating African American patients.
Advise patients to avoid wrist cuffs as they tend to give higher BP readings than arm BP cuffs due to the smaller radius of the arteries in the
The nurse has to focus on the eyes system and blood circulation system. This is because the patient has pain in the right eye, and also he has been hypertension.
Furthermore, automated blood pressure cuffs can be advantageous because it is simple to use so patients are able to monitor their blood pressure in their own homes where there is theoretically decreased stress. Another benefit of automated blood pressure cuffs is that they are especially beneficial in certain subsets of patients. For example, these cuffs, in contrast to common thinking, can monitor patients with arrhythmias and accurately measure hypotension and hypertension during both the arrhythmia and regular rhythm.3 The automated cuffs are also correlated more strongly than manual blood pressure in patients with carotid artery intima-media thickness.1 The thickness
The true photographer knows many worlds other than this one. The true photographer is more than just an individual trained to capture images. They, like those creating with clay, ink, paint, or celluloid, are artists of a unique craft.
The death penalty has been an issue of controversy, causing many states in America to repeal it and call it inhumane. However, the truth is that many citizens are strongly divided on the issue and have strong opinions on whether the death penalty should indeed be kept and reinforced or whether it should just be abolished altogether. When analyzing this issue from a sociological perspective, conflict theory is best used as an argument against the death penalty. This sociological conflict theory is heavily tied in with class conflict a conflict that outlines how socioeconomic factors affect a group of disadvantaged people more so than those that are better off financially. It is because of the disproportionate number of lower class minorities that end up on death row that makes the death penalty an inhumane and cruel way of punishing individuals for crimes that they have committed.
The effect of stress on short term blood pressure can be dramatic, leading to mean arterial pressure increases of 30%-40%. These changes are short lived, though, with heart rate, blood vessel diameter, and blood pressure returning to normal as the hormones are eliminated.
Many seniors have high blood pressure, which can increase their risk of having a heart attack, stroke, eye problems and kidney disease. Walking exercises the heart and helps it to pump more effectively, lowering blood pressure levels. Walking for 40 minutes a day has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure. Your senior loved one can break up their walk into morning and afternoon walks if they tire easily and still receive all of the heart-healthy benefits.
Exercise regularly. Not only does exercise help to lower blood pressure, but it fights off the chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, and/or having a heart attack or