Blumhardt.Session1. Journal
Session1 Journal Reflective Paper Writing Assessment
Nakeesha Blumhardt
Colorado Christian University
Blumhardt.Session1. Journal
Session1 Journal Reflective Paper Writing Assessment
While attending Colorado Christian University, also known as CCU to most scholars and staff alike my academic goal is to finish my degree program from the beginning to the end. I plan to dedicate myself to not only finishing my degree here with CCU but also using the invaluable knowledge and skills I gain from my classes to both my professional and personal life. I have frequently felt that I was unable to get to certain levels in life due to my lack of education. This did not become more apparent to me until the latter part of
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Blumhardt.Session1. Journal
My family and I moved to this area so that I could go to a certain school that I will not name. After completing all the requirements to get into the school, I was still not enrolled. I had financing secured, transcripts evaluated and submitted and still nothing. The school was so backed up with processing applications that they never reviewed my information in its entirety. So, the deadline date to enroll would come and go. At that point, with a whole semester off, I decided I would get a job until everything had been worked out.
I had placed several résumés out on the web for positions I knew I qualified for or was overqualified for just so I could work or so I thought. After receiving my first two rejection letters I began to question myself and see if someone was wrong with my resume.
I had career training on it from several professional courses but no formal college education. I then went to a labor advisor to have my résumé reviewed. The advisor told me in so many words that although I had several years of experience and a good background my lack of formal education was hurting me. He also informed me that the positions I applied for would not be interested in me because I didn’t have a degree. This basically meant that I would be starting from the bottom all over again at an entry level position if they wanted to train me. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, even in my heart, I knew that it was true.
and now I am here. I’ve applied to two other schools and pulled out before starting, I just did not get a
And then, gave excuses why it wasn’t possible. The job market is competitive. And that it’s important that I stay put and make an effort to network.
●Client liaison and relationship management ●Promoted within 1 year in two different job positions for demonstrating ability
It became obvious very quickly that I did not know it all. After spending my first day on the job I came to the reality that I really did not know everything when I was asked specific questions I could not answer I began to panic, was what they were asking me even real I had never heard those terms. When I went home that first night I felt defeated and worn out. I had to ask myself how could this have happened, I felt so confident in my skills, with some soul searching I figured out that I just stopped wanting to learn more, this was my brain telling me “your Good don’t worry you got this”, when I truly did not.
Leaving school meant that I had to go look for a job to support myself. Finding a job was easy than most people made it sounded to be as I acquired a job in less than three days at a temp agency. Never in my life have I ever had a real job this was my first job, but I did have experience working with my dad on fixing houses. The job was an assembly company where they build lawnmowers; the management that I was placed under was a nightmare, laziest boss in the world. Shortly after gaining experience I was promoted to a lead operator, a small manager, this was the first time that I was over twenty people who were all older than me. The company was quite terrifying as people were getting laid off and production was slow. At one point there were
I don’t remember much of what he said, all I remember is how much passion and
During the training I met the person that changed my career life; her name was Isabel, whom I might add, was the VP of a non-profit organization. She gave me her card and told me once the course finishes to give call her. She informed that, the agency where she works was in the process of creating two new positions and she felt that I was a perfect candidate. After I completed the training, I gave her a call; she expressed to me that they still ironing the last details of the positions, and that in about 2-3 months the position could be mine. After few months of waiting, I started to work as a preventive services case aide; I worked there for about 2 years; however, I transferred to another department that was closer to home. At the new position, I was working as a family support worker, I worked there for about 5 years, but life happens. Now I have been working as a case manager for about 7 years and my next step, hopefully is to acquire my degree and start my own non-profit
had to figure out how to pay. I requested time off from school and explained my situation in
I returned to school after re-entering the workforce after being a stay at home parent for nearly 8 years. I had found employment in property management; a field I was adept in and had received promotions previously. However, I found it to be unfulfilling. At the same time
However, I still ran out of money after the first semester.So my brother Powell helped me get a job on Wall street Department and running photostats department. However, the first day I went to the department, the supervisor refused to give me the job and said that “we are not going to hire
Upon graduating from UC Santa Barbara, I went into a dark hole in my life. I was suffering from a slight depression, I was unemployed and I felt like my life was going backwards instead of going forward. Into my fifth month of unemployment, I landed a part-time job as a special education specialist helping students on the spectrum with their academics. While my time there, I got the opportunity to learn about the various ways students on the spectrum get assess and how it is presented to the district officials. Onto the fifth month, I saw that my stabilizing income was not enough. I mentioned this struggle to one of my friends and he asked me if I would be interested in working in a warehouse for a logistic company. I had to take some time
Plans that I had set for myself after high school, were me getting a job and attending college full time. When I first attended college for the fall of 2016, everything seemed complete...until I would hear all my peers discuss about their jobs. I felt left out and I thought to myself that I needed a job as soon as possible. I started to submit as many as job applications that were available, which was easy because most job applications now ask rudimentary questions. There was a point where I really didn’t care what kind of job it was, as long as it helped me on making money I was open for anything. Days passed and I heard nothing from any places, until one evening I get a call from a manager asking me if was open for an interview so I of course said yes.
Keep in mind that your resume is not supposed to be a complete catalogue of your skills and achievements. You use your resume to get into a job interview, not to get a job – very few people get hired just based on the resume.
I got a job as a bank teller just to have something to keep me going while I was trying to figure my life out. My experience at that bank was horrible. My manager was awful to the customers and to the employees and half of the customer base did not speak English. A close friend of mine saw how miserable I was and pointed out that I was doing the same mediocre job as I did back home. He encouraged me to quit and go back to school. So on my first day off, I went to the bank, handed in my name tag, explained what a horrible person my manager was, said “thank you” and “goodbye”. I got in my car and headed straight to Madison College and registered for the fall semester. I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life, but I would figure that out while I completed my general education
The acquisition of my current job is probably the only time in my lifetime where I had to go through a sophisticated enculturation process unlike anything I have ever experienced before. The year was in 2014 and I was in the process of looking for a job that I could be able to financially support myself. It was around this time that I learned about what employers were looking for when they were hiring potential employees. By looking through various internet websites, I noticed a trend that employers were looking for people who were excited to work for them and they had the dedication to grow and improve themselves at their companies. Additionally it would be in my best interest for to submit as many job applications to as many companies