
Body Biography Essay Sample

Decent Essays

Body Biography For my body biography portrait, I analyzed several aspects of my life and what pieces come together to construct the person I am. By deciding how to symbolize and illustrate these qualities and building blocks of my personality, I uncovered a lot about myself and was able to fuse this information and detail into the drawing. From my heart to my personal image, there is so much meaning behind everything I do and love. Completing this project aided me in the understanding of myself, and now others can take a glance inside my mind as well. Now standing under the spotlight, this is who I truly am. In my artwork, what I love most is represented with a square in place of my heart. This symbolizes the four main things that I …show more content…

When discussing reasons why he loves to draw cartoons, Arnold states, “And I want the world to pay attention to me” (6). I can connect to this quote because while Arnold wants to communicate with the planet through his illustrations, I yearn to do the same with my dancing. Dancing, as well as cartoons, can be universally understood, and this is what makes them both so special. In addition, before Arnold plays the final game against Rowdy and the Wellpinit team, his Coach says to him in the locker room, “If you care about something enough, it’s going to make you cry. But you have to use it. Use your tears. Use your pain. Use your fear. Get mad” (144). So much truth is embedded in this quote, for it pertains greatly to my own life and experiences. Oftentimes, I do get angry and frustrated about having scoliosis and just burst into tears. It’s because I care so much about my personal health, and I use my tears to motivate me to always stay on top of wearing my back brace. I’m almost done growing, so I only have less than a year left. All of the pain, frustration, and sadness will be worth it in the end, and this thought that comes to me when I’m calming down from a crying fest makes me feel relieved. For these reasons, I placed these two quotes in my

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