What You See Isn’t Always What You Get : Media’s Impact on Society’s Body Image
Recently in media, there has been a focus on the hyper-sexualization of the female body, as well as very specific body images which have been presented as the perfect body in society. Both of these issues enforce ideas of unrealistic, and even unhealthy beauty standards among teens, and even adults in today’s society. Though it may not be the sole cause of society’s body image issues, media has certainly had a very clear impact on these issues. Media today has a profound impact on the perception of the human body and how it should be as a result of increased use of modification softwares to distort society’s image of the human body, the use of social media to give
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One particularly harmful method of presentation has been the use of photoshop and other body modification softwares in order to create the image of a “perfect” person. Photoshop is often used to remove blemishes, create smoother looking skin, brighten teeth, and even make people skinnier among many other things. As a result of this, the images we see in magazines, or on billboards is often distorted- not even bearing resemblance to the models and celebrities they originally depicted. In the USA Today article, a student named Haley Bianco is mentioned as writing that “in a society where flaws are erased, insecurities are heightened” (USA TODAY College. USA TODAY, 2 July 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2016). As ad campaigns use programs like photoshop to edit out every blemish and “imperfection” the human body has, it only makes people increasingly aware of their own “imperfections, and more insecure of the irregularities of their appearance. In the same article, another student, Christina Mazzeo is quoted as writing about the idea that society is presented with unrealistic body images, saying that “People get these ideas of …show more content…
Another issue of late has been the increase of social media activity as a means to validate appearance. Though mainstream media does a lot to give people of all ages unrealistic standards of beauty, it has been social media, lately, that has been having a profound impact on the way kids see themselves. Media such as instagram and snapchat have lead to an increased focus on peer validation of physical appearance as a means of living up to society’s standards. Through this need for validation, and the possibility for a lack thereof, many younger children have found themselves facing unrealistic body standards at a younger age. Kids use social media as a way to see if they are up to their peers’ standards, and if they are not, they can tell through the lack of validation or even the negative reactions. The article also notes that “Body image doesn't just happen. It's a complex phenomenon influenced by many factors, including parents, peers, and social contexts” (Common Sense Media. Common Sense Media, Inc., 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2016.), and as such it is clear that social media can play a significant role in the way kids are learning to perceive themselves. It’s clear to me that media, in all it’s forms, has come to have an impact on the way people perceive themselves, seeing as such a huge part of media is the feedback that is received on
In the article “Never Just Pictures,” Susan Bordo acknowledges how the cultural perception of body image of both men and women has been increasing in viciousness exponentially. The societal views of the models in advertisements, on television or in magazines, have proven themselves to be “fabulously” horrific throughout the last few decades. However, an incredible amount of commercial funding, euphemistic language, dietary support groups and other lifestyle changes are merely thought up, created and shipped out door-to-door to virtually all people who cannot simply stand being a kind soul towards others who are apparently suffering, in the medias (blind) eyes. This terrifying phenomenon is especially shocking since there have been articles
The media has distorted people’s views on the way they look at their own body image. The media has shown what their ideal body type is, while leaving people to feel as if the average weight is not good enough. (Cardosi, 2006) We live in a world where people feel as if having zero body fat is the idea body type to have. Pictures of models for clothing stores, bathing suits, lingerie etc. all exhibit to this to be true. Body image is perceived to be negatively influenced by the media and the way that the media displays their models. Parents, teachers, adolescence and even children all find themselves to be comparing themselves based on what the media exposes. (Levine & Murnen, 2009)
Agliata, D., & Tantleff-Dunn, S., (2004). The Impact of Media Exposure on Males’ Body Image.
Modern people live media-saturated lives, even children as young as 6 years old, have had some type of media exposure. Extensive exposure to media outlets can lead to body image issues. Body image is defined as, the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body (Smolak 2003). Body image is formed as people compare themselves to others. Because, people are exposed to countless media images; these images become the basis for such comparisons. These mental comparisons, have a strong influence on an individual’s personal perception of beauty. Media outlets create images and pressures about what our bodies should look like; however, sometimes these images have been manipulated, creating an unrealistic expectation of beauty. When an individual believes that their body is substandard, they can become depressed, suffer from low self-esteem, or develop eating disorders.
Many people who are immersed in modern society are interested in or affected by the issue of body image and how media affects not only how we as individuals view ourselves and others, but how we as a society treat, tuck, and trim our bodies to fit the imagined requirements of how the human form should look. Body image is an important topic that has become more frequently, analytically, psychologically, and scientifically debated and represented in the past decade or so. After critical analysis of the article, per your request, I have come to the conclusion that, although Susan Bordo mentions some major issues pertaining to body image within her article, this article’s cultural context is too outdated and many of the celebrity references will
In the article, “The Negative Effects of the Media on Body Image” by Esther Vargas, there were several issues discussed about the negative effects that media has on body image in society. Many girls
Kover, A. (2009, April 30). Effects of the Media on Body Image. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from
There are no questions to whether the media has influenced the self-consciousness people have on their body or not. Whether it is the front of a magazine cover or in a film or television show, the selection of models or actors are primarily thin or fit leading readers and viewers to worry or want to change the way their body looks. Body image is the way one sees oneself and imagine how one looks. Having a positive body image means that most of the time someone sees themselves accurately, and feels comfortable in their body; negative body image, what the media exemplifies for the majority of the time, is just the opposite. The media uses unrealistic standards of beauty and bodily perfection to drive ordinary people to be dissatisfied with their body image which can result in the search to obtain these unreachable goals.
The female body image is highly influenced by the mass media and the media’s portrayal of women, ‘70% of college women say they feel worse about their own looks after reading women’s magazines’ (University of Massachusetts & Stanford University, 2006), the portrayal of women in the media has an unrealistic approach and brings out body dissatisfactions and this results in eating problems and disorders.
Body image encompasses how we perceive our bodies, how we feel about our physical experience as well as how we think and talk about our bodies, our sense of how other people view our bodies, our sense of our bodies in physical space, and our level of connectedness to our bodies. Over the past three decades, while America has gotten heavier, the "ideal woman" presented in the media has become thinner. Teenagers are the heaviest users of mass media, and American women are taught at a young age to take desperate measures in the form of extreme dieting to control their
Social media plays an immense role in the way that stereotypes about attractiveness is conveyed in regards to body image. As Gerbner and Gross wrote in 1976, the cultivation theory states that high frequency viewers of television are more susceptible to media messages and the belief that they are real and valid. The subjection to social media can cause an idealistic view amongst young girls and women alike. Among the mechanisms of human agency none is more central or pervasive than beliefs of personal efficacy (Bandura, 1997). This belief that these body types are achievable can lead to females being dissatisfied within their own skin. The result of the discontent can potentially lead to eating disorders. Body dissatisfaction occurs when views of the body are negative and involves a perceived discrepancy between a person 's assessment of their actual and ideal body (Cash and Szymanski, 1995 and Grogan, 2008). It is estimated that approximately 50% of adolescent girls report being unhappy with their bodies (Bearman, Presnell, & Martinez, 2006). Surveys have revealed that the exposure to social media can cause body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms’ and the concept that thin is “beautiful” amongst young girls and women (Botta 1999; Harrison and Hefner 2006; and Stice et al. 1994). With media influence, the question is the strength of the effect, studies indicate the effects are small in scale; they are likely to operate in accordance with particular differences in
Over the years a debate over who is to blame over the decline in how girls perceive themselves has arisen. With Photoshop being the societal norm concerning the media, it has become difficult for many to understand where the line between real and near impossible standards lies. Youths see an image edited to “perfection” and strive to reach the standards that they imagine due to the images displayed on magazines, television and social media. From Disney to magazines like Vogue the mass media bombards audiences with fake beauty that they, as normal people, will never be able to achieve. The mass media is responsible for causing the rise in the number of people with a poor body image, eating disorders, and cosmetic surgeries.
Americans today are exposed to large amounts of technology on a daily basis. People are viewing commercials, television shows, movies, magazines and are active on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. How people, such as models and actresses, are portrayed in the media isn’t always reality. The media often shows viewers only what they perceive to be the beauty standard. Images the media advertises are unrealistic and have continued to evolve over time, contributing to a variety of health problems amongst their audiences.
Today in modern society, we are driven by social forces. Not only do we strive for human approval and companionship, we also thrive on social media. The media plays such a pivotal role in what we buy, eat, wear, etc. that we are conditioning ourselves to fit the mold for the “perfect” or “ideal” body type. This social construct has been a pressing issue for many years regarding the female physique, but not as much has been said on behalf of men. When confronted with appearance based advertisements, men are more likely to experience muscle dissatisfaction, weight disparities, and anger and/or anxiety toward showing their body in public. This paper will address these facets of the media’s effect on male body image as well as presenting what has been done to address this quietly debilitating issue.
How does society affect our daily lives, body image wise? One major effect is when some people go out in public they worry if they are being judge about their body image. So some wear clothes that they think make their body look better. Then they are people who bully others about their body image which can affect a person for a long time and another cause of that is people may start to eat less which affect their daily lives. But people shouldn't have to worry about their body image where it comes to the point where it affects their daily lives, but society made them.