
Body Stereotyping Within The Media

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Mark LoPuzzo English 101 Mrs. Ball Senior Research Paper Body Stereotyping within the Media “Of course you could stand to lose a few pounds.” This was said by an individual struggling with bulimia. The public is presented with thin, tall, muscular, and perfectly fit people in the media such as magazines or television shows, making people with a more natural body image feel insecure and unpleased with their body type. The media is promoting body stereotypes and it is negatively affecting the public. The media displays the “average man” as being hairless and very well built which may negatively affect the male population. Body stereotyping in the media can lead to body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia is common among the younger generation because they are more adept at using social media. The media displays the “average man” as being hairless and very well built which may negatively affect the male population. The public blames the media and celebrities for supporting the idea of the "ideal" body type. Both men and women want slim, fit bodies. But the media has turned both genders against each other making it a competition, which is negatively affecting the public ("Body image concerns more men than women, research finds"). “According to Chris Godsey, emphasis on male physical beauty in the media may contribute to negative body image in boys and young men. He contends that repeated images of perfectly sculpted, hairless male torsos

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